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Divisible Non-linear Load Distribution on Heterogeneous Single-Level Trees
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems ( IF 5.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1109/taes.2019.2923300
Chi-Yeh Chen

This paper investigates the problem of a divisible nonlinear load distribution on homogeneous complete b-ary tree networks. Classic models of nonlinear computational loads omit several steps in processing the load and yield only an approximate distribution for fractional loads. This paper considers a new model of nonlinear computational loads that includes all load processing steps and yields a practical solution to distribute fractional loads. Two algorithms to distribute a divisible nonlinear load on homogeneous complete b-ary tree networks are proposed. Closed-form expressions for the parallel processing time and speed-up for complete b-ary trees are also derived. This paper demonstrates that the asymptotic speed-up of the proposed algorithms is the number of processors in a multicomputer system. The proposed algorithms improved the classic algorithm in terms of speed-up.


