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Pollinator effectiveness of a specialist bee exploiting a generalist plant—tracking pollen transfer by Heriades truncorum with quantum dots
Apidologie ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s13592-019-00700-0
Sabine Konzmann , Margareta Kluth , Deniz Karadana , Klaus Lunau

Heriades truncorum (Megachilidae) is a specialist bee that forages on Asteraceae and collects pollen by tapping its abdomen on pollen-presenting florets which places the grains directly in the ventral scopa. We tracked pollen transfer by female H. truncorum between conspecific inflorescences of Inula ensifolia and Pulicaria dysenterica by labelling pollen with quantum dots. On average, bees transferred 31.14 (I. ensifolia) and 9.96 (P. dysenterica) pollen grains from the last visited inflorescence, 39% and 45% of which were placed on receptive styles. Pollen germination ratio is significantly lower for inflorescences of P. dysenterica visited by one H. truncorum (0.13%) compared with open control inflorescences (0.51%), which suggests that the bees mainly transfer self-pollen of these self-incompatible plants. Thus, a single visit by H. truncorum does not grant the plant high reproductive success, but the bees’ abundance and flower constancy might reduce this disadvantage.


专业蜜蜂利用多面性植物的传粉效率——用量子点跟踪 Heriades trunco​​rum 的花粉转移

Heriades trunco​​rum (Megachilidae) 是一种以菊科为食的专业蜜蜂,并通过在其腹部轻拍呈现花粉的小花来收集花粉,小花将谷物直接放置在腹侧镜中。我们通过用量子点标记花粉来跟踪雌性 H. trunco​​rum 在 Inula ensifolia 和 Pulicariadysenterica 的同种花序之间的花粉转移。平均而言,蜜蜂从最后访问的花序转移了 31.14(I. ensifolia)和 9.96(P.dysenterica)花粉粒,其中 39% 和 45% 被置于接受花柱上。与开放对照花序 (0.51%) 相比,一个 H. trunco​​rum 访问的痢疾杆菌花序的花粉萌发率 (0.13%) 显着较低,这表明蜜蜂主要转移这些自交不亲和植物的自花粉。因此,H.