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Potential Linkages Between Social Capital, Flood Risk Perceptions, and Self-Efficacy
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s13753-020-00259-w
Paul Hudson , Liselotte Hagedoorn , Philip Bubeck

A growing focus is being placed on both individuals and communities to adapt to flooding as part of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030. Adaptation to flooding requires sufficient social capital (linkages between members of society), risk perceptions (understanding of risk), and self-efficacy (self-perceived ability to limit disaster impacts) to be effective. However, there is limited understanding of how social capital, risk perceptions, and self-efficacy interact. We seek to explore how social capital interacts with variables known to increase the likelihood of successful adaptation. To study these linkages we analyze survey data of 1010 respondents across two communities in Thua Tien-Hue Province in central Vietnam, using ordered probit models. We find positive correlations between social capital, risk perceptions, and self-efficacy overall. This is a partly contrary finding to what was found in previous studies linking these concepts in Europe, which may be a result from the difference in risk context. The absence of an overall negative exchange between these factors has positive implications for proactive flood risk adaptation.



作为《 2015-2030年仙台减少灾害风险框架》的一部分,人们越来越关注个人和社区以适应洪水。要适应洪水,就需要有效的社会资本(社会成员之间的联系),风险感知(风险理解)和自我效能感(自我感知的限制灾害影响的能力)。但是,对于社会资本,风险感知和自我效能如何相互作用的理解有限。我们试图探索社会资本如何与已知变量相互作用,从而增加成功适应的可能性。为了研究这些联系,我们使用有序概率模型分析了越南中部顺天顺省两个社区的1010名受访者的调查数据。我们发现社会资本,风险认知,和整体自我效能。这与先前在欧洲将这些概念联系起来的研究发现的结果有些相反,这可能是由于风险背景不同而导致的。这些因素之间没有全面的负面交流,对积极的洪水风险适应具有积极的影响。