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Conceptualizing Individual and Household Disaster Preparedness: The Perspective from Cameroon
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s13753-020-00258-x
Emmanuel Nzengung Nojang , Jessica Jensen

This research explored the basic issue of what preparedness means and entails to people in Fako Division, Cameroon—a place threated by many hazards and that has experienced many disasters. Findings from the analysis of the 33 interviews conducted in this study indicate that preparedness is a dynamic state of readiness that is dependent on context, a social process, and a process of completing activities to save lives and minimize the effects of disasters. In addition, the research determined that Cameroonians view a wholly prepared person as someone who would: (1) have knowledge about hazards and what to do about them; (2) engage others, including their families and neighbors, in discussions about activities related to hazards; and (3) participate in activities to minimize loss from hazards, sustain themselves in the face of hazards, and flee from hazards. The findings from the interview data synchronize to a large extent with what is implied, but not clearly stated, in the existing research literature. The article addresses this synchrony, posits a definition of preparedness, and identifies the theoretical components of preparedness.



这项研究探讨了在喀麦隆法科(Fako Division),备灾意味着什么并对人们意味着什么的基本问题,喀麦隆这个地方受到许多灾害的威胁,并经历了许多灾难。对本次研究进行的33次访谈的分析结果表明,准备工作是一种动态的准备状态,它取决于环境,社会过程以及完成活动以挽救生命并最大程度减少灾害影响的过程。此外,研究还确定喀麦隆人认为一个完全准备的人会:(1)了解危险及其处理方法;(2)让其他人,包括他们的家人和邻居,参与有关危害活动的讨论;(3)参加活动以最大程度地减少危害造成的损失,面对危害保持自我,逃离危险。访谈数据的发现在很大程度上与现有研究文献中隐含但未明确陈述的内容保持同步。本文解决了这种同步问题,提出了准备的定义,并确定了准备的理论组成部分。