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Application of scientific measures to demonstrate the relaxing properties of Peony fragrance in hair care products
Journal of Sensory Studies ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: 10.1111/joss.12560
Typhanie Painchault 1 , Lucie Perrin 1 , Leanne W. S. Loijens 2 , Xandra Linden 2 , Hans M. M. Theuws 2 , Patrick H. Zimmerman 2

Relaxation response is impacted by physiological and psychological considerations. This study investigates the effect of a fragrance on the relaxation response triggered by a shampoo and a serum product. Two research cells were executed in identical hotel room facilities involving female shampoo or serum users. A control sample was evaluated to provide a neutral baseline against which the test samples could be compared. A concentrated fragrance was evaluated after the test samples. Nonverbal tools were chosen to measure relaxation covering physiology (heart rate, inter beat interval [IBI] variation, blood pressure [BP], and electrodermal activity [EDA]), mental and physical tasks (reaction time and handgrip strength), and behavior measures (posture and posturer switches). Results indicated that the physiology measures were most useful in demonstrating a relaxing effect of the fragrance in the shampoo and serum products. For example, the application of the shampoo caused an increase in IBI variation, a decrease in EDA and the concentrated shampoo fragrance caused a decrease heart rate. Serum application caused a decrease in BP and a decrease in heart rate. This study enabled to claim about emotional benefits of the scent of the hair care products with strong scientific evidence to support it.


