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A Network Design Problem Formulation and Solution Procedure for Intercity Transit Services
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1080/23249935.2020.1719547
Andisheh Ranjbari 1 , Mark Hickman 2, 3 , Yi-Chang Chiu 4

This study presents a network design problem formulation and solution procedure for an intercity transit service that has multiple routes and serves multiple terminals in the origin and destination cities. The proposed solution procedure consists of three steps: (1) a set of candidate terminals are selected; (2) candidate routes are generated between those terminals using a k-shortest-path algorithm; (3) a mixed integer linear programing model finds the optimal routes, terminals, frequencies, fleet size and depot locations, given a set of constraints and the objective of minimizing total passenger travel time and vehicle deadheading time. The solution procedure was implemented for a newly conceived transit service between Tucson and Phoenix in Arizona, USA. The final routes found by the model look reasonable, and a sensitivity analysis showed that the objective function is most sensitive to changes in the demand satisfaction ratio, and then to the maximum number of routes and fleet size.



本研究为具有多条路线并服务于始发地和目的地城市的多个终端的城际公交服务提出了网络设计问题的制定和解决程序。建议的求解过程包括三个步骤:(1)选择一组候选终端;(2)使用k-shortest-path算法在这些终端之间生成候选路线;(3) 混合整数线性规划模型找到最佳路线、终点站、频率、车队规模和站点位置,给定一组约束条件以及最小化总乘客旅行时间和车辆停驶时间的目标。该求解程序是为美国亚利桑那州图森和凤凰城之间新设想的过境服务实施的。模型找到的最终路线看起来很合理,