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Internal solitary waves from L-band SAR over the Argentine inner Patagonian shelf
Remote Sensing Letters ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-04 , DOI: 10.1080/2150704x.2020.1736725
Juan P. Pisoni 1, 2 , Nora G. Glembocki 3 , Silvia I. Romero 4 , Mariano H. Tonini 5

Internal waves represent an important mechanism of energy exchange influencing primary production through the turbulent transport of nutrients and changes in the intensity of light available for photosynthesis. Internal solitary waves (internal solitons) appear in packages and retain their shape and speed even after interacting with other internal waves. We detected solitons in the inner Patagonian shelf with the active L-band microwave satellite sensor (ALOS-PALSAR). Packages found in the satellite images were digitized. Generation mechanisms and propagation speeds were assessed using historical CTD profiles near the detected waves, assuming linear theory and atwo-layer vertical structure. The estimated propagation speeds of the waves ranged from 0.5 to 0.7m s−1. The generation regimes of waves originated at asill near the coast were classified as subcritical or near-critical according to the Froude number. We hypothesize that at this site, the generation mechanism starts leeward from the sill (lee wave mechanism), after the relaxation of the tidal current. Generation mechanisms of waves detected elsewhere over the shelf are not so obvious. More images are necessary to better determine the wave generation site. We will continue the analysis with L-band images aboard the SAOCOM 1A (CONAE), put in orbit in October 2018.



内波是能量交换的重要机制,它通过营养物质的湍流传输和可用于光合作用的光强度变化来影响初级生产。内部孤立波(内部孤子)出现在包装中,即使在与其他内部波相互作用后仍保持其形状和速度。我们使用有源L波段微波卫星传感器(ALOS-PALSAR)在巴塔哥尼亚大陆架内检测到孤子。在卫星图像中找到的包裹已被数字化。假设线性理论和两层垂直结构,使用检测到的波附近的历史CTD剖面评估了生成机理和传播速度。估计的波传播速度为0.5到0.7m s -1。根据弗洛德数,在海岸附近的微弱地带产生的波的产生方式分为亚临界或近临界。我们假设在该位置,潮汐流松弛后,生成机制从窗台开始向背风(lee wave机制)。在架子上其他地方检测到的电波的产生机理不是很明显。需要更多图像才能更好地确定波浪产生的位置。我们将继续使用2018年10月在轨道上运行的SAOCOM 1A(CONAE)上的L波段图像进行分析。
