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Spatiotemporal dynamics in vital rates of Humboldt’s flying squirrels and Townsend’s chipmunks in a late-successional forest
Journal of Mammalogy ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-28 , DOI: 10.1093/jmammal/gyz204
Matt Weldy 1, 2 , Clinton W Epps 1 , Damon B Lesmeister 1, 2 , Tom Manning 3 , Eric D Forsman 2

Knowledge of the spatiotemporal variability of abundance and vital rates is essential to the conservation of wildlife populations. In Pacific Northwest forests, previous small mammal research has focused on estimating abundance; few studies have focused on vital rates. We used robust design temporal symmetry models and live-trapping data collected 2011–2016 at nine sites to estimate apparent annual survival, population growth rate, and recruitment of Humboldt's flying squirrels (Glaucomys oregonensis) and Townsend's chipmunks (Neotamias townsendii) in a late-successional forest of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, United States. We also estimated the proportional contribution of apparent annual survival and recruitment to population growth rate. Covariates previously associated with abundance were also associated with vital rates for Townsend's chipmunks, but less so for Humboldt's flying squirrels. Apparent annual survival was nearly constant (range = 0.47 to 0.51) among years and sites for Humboldt's flying squirrels but was consistently lower and more variable among years for Townsend's chipmunks (range = 0.13 to 0.31). Recruitment was variable among years for both species. Apparent annual survival generally contributed more than recruitment to the population growth rate of Humboldt's flying squirrels. For Townsend's chipmunks, recruitment consistently contributed more than apparent annual survival to population growth rate. These findings suggest that life history strategies differed for these co-occurring species. This study demonstrates substantial temporal variation in vital rates and some differences in abundance and vital rate habitat associations, suggesting that habitat suitability inferences based on short time series or variation in abundance could be misleading.



了解丰度和生命率的时空变异性对于保护野生动物种群至关重要。在太平洋西北部的森林中,以前的小型哺乳动物研究主要集中在估计丰度上;很少有研究关注生命率。我们使用稳健的设计时间对称模型和 2011 年至 2016 年在 9 个地点收集的实时捕获数据来估计表观年存活率、人口增长率以及洪堡飞鼠 (Glaucomys oregonensis) 和汤森花栗鼠 (Neotamias townsendii) 在美国俄勒冈州喀斯喀特山脉的演替森林。我们还估计了表观年存活率和招募对人口增长率的比例贡献。以前与丰度相关的协变量也与汤森的花栗鼠的生命率相关,但与洪堡的飞鼠的生命率相关。在洪堡飞鼠的年份和地点之间,表观年存活率几乎保持不变(范围 = 0.47 至 0.51),但汤森花栗鼠的年间存活率始终较低且变化更大(范围 = 0.13 至 0.31)。两个物种的招募在年份之间是可变的。对于洪堡飞鼠的人口增长率,表观年生存率的贡献通常大于招募。对于 Townsend 的花栗鼠来说,招募对人口增长率的贡献一直超过表观的年存活率。这些发现表明,这些共生物种的生活史策略不同。