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Demonstrating mate choice copying in spiders requires further research
Current Zoology ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-13 , DOI: 10.1093/cz/zoz033
R Tucker Gilman 1 , Kasey Fowler-Finn 2 , Eileen A Hebets 3

Mate choice copying—when individuals learn to prefer mates or mate types that have been chosen by others—can influence trait evolution and speciation (Varela et al. 2018; Dion et al. 2019). Most examples of mate choice copying are from fish, birds, and mammals including humans (Varela et al. 2018). However, 2 invertebrate examples—fruit flies and wolf spiders—have been used to argue that the phenomenon may be phylogenetically widespread, and perhaps the rule rather than the exception in nature (Varela et al. 2018). Here, we revisit the evidence for mate choice copying in wolf spiders (Fowler-Finn et al. 2015) in light of new data (Gilman et al. 2018). Then, we discuss why mate choice copying is a phenomenon that is likely to occur in wolf spiders, and why this deserves attention. In a study reported in Current Zoology, Fowler-Finn et al. (2015) tested for mate choice copying in a population of Schizocosa wolf spiders that includes two genetically indistinguishable male morphotypes that differ in sexual ornamentation and courtship behavior. In this population, “ornamented” males have black brushes on their forelegs and “non-ornamented” males lack foreleg brushes (Hebets and Vink 2007). Fowler-Finn and colleagues tested for mate choice copying by allowing “observer” females to watch age-matched ‘actor’ females choose between the two male morphotypes. Observer females tended to mate with the same male morphotype they had seen the actors choose, suggesting mate choice copying. A recent study of the same population of wolf spiders offers an alternative explanation for the pattern Fowler-Finn et al. (2015) reported. Gilman et al. (2018) analyzed maturation times and mate preferences in Schizocosa females. Females fell into one of two partly overlapping maturation groups: 1) early-maturing females that were more likely to choose non-ornamented males and 2) latematuring females that were more likely to choose ornamented males. The authors proposed that the population includes two previously unrecognized species or incipient species: an early-maturing non-ornamented species and a late-maturing ornamented species. By age-matching females, Fowler-Finn et al. (2015) may have unknowingly matched observer and actor females from the same maturation groups. These pairs of females would have been likely to choose the same male morphotypes regardless of experience, resulting in a mating pattern identical to that of mate choice copying. Given these results, we believe that whether mate choice copying exists in Schizocosa, and more generally in spiders, is an open question and one that demands further investigation. It is plausible that mate choice copying could exist in Schizocosa. Learned mate preferences have been demonstrated in the clade (Hebets 2003), suggesting the capacity for other types of learning. Moreover, many of the conditions that are predicted to favor the evolution of mate choice copying are present in Schizocosa. First, the high density of some Schizocosa populations (Fowler-Finn et al. 2015) and long copulation durations (generally 1–4 h; Stratton et al. 1996) provide abundant opportunity for females to be exposed to the choices of other females. Second, the presence of male sexual ornamentation and complex male courtship displays in Schizocosa suggests that selection imposed by female choice may be strong (Stratton 2005), and strong sexual selection can facilitate the evolution of mate choice copying (Servedio and Kirkpatrick 1996). Third, because most Schizocosa females mate only once, and because males are also predators that can be sexually aggressive (Norton and Uetz 2005), poor mate choice can be especially costly for female Schizocosa. By copying others, females could reduce the time, energy, and risk involved in assessing a large number of males with potentially aggressive, complex, and competing courtship displays (Varela et al. 2018). Schizocosa has become a widely used system for researchers studying the evolution of sexual signaling, mate choice, and speciation (Stratton et al. 1996; Hebets 2003; Norton and Uetz 2005; Stratton 2005; Hebets and Vink 2007; Fowler-Finn et al. 2015; Gilman et al. 2018), and mate choice copying can profoundly affect all of these processes (Varela et al. 2018). Understanding whether mate choice



配偶选择复制——当个体学会偏好他人选择的配偶或配偶类型时——会影响性状进化和物种形成(Varela 等人,2018 年;Dion 等人,2019 年)。大多数配偶选择复制的例子来自鱼类、鸟类和包括人类在内的哺乳动物(Varela 等人,2018 年)。然而,2 个无脊椎动物的例子——果蝇和狼蛛——已经被用来论证这种现象可能在系统发育上很普遍,也许是自然界中的规则而不是例外(Varela 等人,2018 年)。在这里,我们根据新数据(Gilman 等人,2018 年)重新审视了狼蛛复制配偶选择的证据(Fowler-Finn 等人,2015 年)。然后,我们讨论为什么择偶复制是狼蛛可能发生的一种现象,以及为什么这值得关注。在 Current Zoology 报道的一项研究中,Fowler-Finn 等人。(2015) 测试了 Schizocosa 狼蛛种群的配偶选择复制,其中包括两种在性装饰和求爱行为上不同的遗传上无法区分的雄性形态类型。在这个种群中,“有装饰”的雄性在前腿上有黑色的毛刷,而“没有装饰”的雄性则没有前腿毛刷(Hebets 和 Vink 2007)。Fowler-Finn 及其同事通过允许“观察者”雌性观看年龄匹配的“演员”雌性在两种雄性形态类型之间进行选择来测试配偶选择复制。观察者女性倾向于与他们看到演员选择的相同男性形态类型交配,这表明配偶选择复制。最近对同一群狼蛛的研究为 Fowler-Finn 等人的模式提供了另一种解释。(2015) 报道。吉尔曼等人。(2018) 分析了 Schizocosa 雌性的成熟时间和配偶偏好。雌性属于两个部分重叠的成熟组之一:1)早熟雌性更可能选择无装饰雄性;2)晚熟雌性更可能选择装饰性雄性。作者提出该种群包括两个以前未被认识的物种或早期物种:早熟的非装饰物种和晚熟的装饰物种。通过年龄匹配的女性,Fowler-Finn 等人。(2015)可能在不知不觉中匹配了来自相同成熟群体的观察者和演员女性。无论经验如何,这些雌性配对都可能选择相同的雄性形态类型,从而导致与配偶选择复制相同的交配模式。鉴于这些结果,我们认为,在 Schizocosa 中是否存在配偶选择复制,更普遍的是在蜘蛛中,这是一个悬而未决的问题,需要进一步调查。在 Schizocosa 中可能存在配偶选择复制是合理的。学习的配偶偏好已经在进化枝中得到证明(Hebets 2003),表明其他类型的学习能力。此外,许多预计有利于配偶选择复制进化的条件存在于裂殖体中。首先,一些 Schizocosa 种群的高密度(Fowler-Finn 等人,2015 年)和交配持续时间长(通常 1-4 小时;Stratton 等人,1996 年)为雌性提供了大量机会来接触其他雌性的选择。第二,Schizocosa 中雄性性装饰的存在和复杂的雄性求偶显示表明雌性选择强加的选择可能很强(Stratton 2005),而强烈的性选择可以促进配偶选择复制的进化(Servedio 和 Kirkpatrick 1996)。第三,因为大多数 Schizocosa 雌性只交配一次,而且因为雄性也是具有性攻击性的掠食者(Norton and Uetz 2005),对于雌性 Schizocosa 来说,糟糕的配偶选择可能特别昂贵。通过复制其他人,雌性可以减少评估大量具有潜在攻击性、复杂性和竞争性求爱表现的雄性所涉及的时间、精力和风险(Varela 等人,2018 年)。Schizocosa 已成为研究性信号、配偶选择和物种形成进化的研究人员广泛使用的系统(Stratton 等人,1996 年;赫贝茨 2003;诺顿和 Uetz 2005;斯特拉顿 2005;Hebets 和 Vink 2007;Fowler-Finn 等人。2015年;吉尔曼等人。2018),而配偶选择复制可以深刻影响所有这些过程(Varela 等人,2018 年)。了解是否择偶