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Plant Pathogens which Threaten Food Security: Viruses of Chickpea and Other Cool Season Legumes in West Asia and North Africa
Food Security ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s12571-020-01017-y
Khaled M. Makkouk

West Asia and North Africa (WANA) and the Indian sub-continent are regions of major production of chickpea, faba bean and lentil, where these crops represent a major source of protein in the diet of the population. These crops are attacked by a large number of viruses, the most economically important among them being which cause stunting and yellowing symptoms together with poor or no pod setting. Our knowledge of the identity of these viruses improved significantly over the past three decades because of the advances in molecular diagnostics. At present, there are 12 viruses in chickpea and 6 in faba bean that are insect transmitted in the persistent manner, cause stunting and yellowing symptoms, and the number is increasing. Virus disease management involving a combination of control measures is the best practical strategy to reduce virus disease levels, and consequently increase productivity of grain legume crops. Research that leads to the design of most appropriate control strategies is needed for each grain legume producing region in WANA countries and within each country.



西亚和北非 (WANA) 和印度次大陆是鹰嘴豆、蚕豆和扁豆的主要产区,这些作物是人们饮食中蛋白质的主要来源。这些作物受到大量病毒的侵袭,其中最具经济意义的是导致发育迟缓和黄化症状,以及结荚不良或没有结荚。由于分子诊断学的进步,我们对这些病毒身份的了解在过去三十年中得到了显着改善。目前,鹰嘴豆中有12种病毒和蚕豆中有6种病毒以昆虫持续传播,引起发育迟缓和变黄症状,而且数量还在增加。病毒病害管理涉及控制措施的组合,是降低病毒病害水平的最佳实用策略,从而提高谷物豆类作物的生产力。需要针对 WANA 国家和每个国家内的每个谷物豆类产区进行研究,以设计最合适的控制策略。