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Value of routine evaluation in asymptomatic soft contact lens wearers.
Contact Lens & Anterior Eye ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.clae.2020.02.014
Elaine Y Chen 1 , Eunice Myung Lee 1 , Andrew Loc-Nguyen 2 , Louis A Frank 3 , Jami Parsons Malloy 3 , Barry A Weissman 4


Limited literature supports the value of routine contact lens examinations. The purpose of this study is to document complications diagnosed when subjectively successful planned replacement soft contact lens patients are evaluated to renew their existing contact lens prescriptions.


Asymptomatic soft contact lens patients who presented to the University Eye Center at Ketchum Health (Anaheim, CA) and the Eye and Vision Center at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (Worcester, MA) for routine contact lens comprehensive exams to renew existing contact lens prescriptions were professionally evaluated and their complications documented. All subjects presented without complaint and had a history of subjectively successful planned replacement soft lens wear for at least 1 year.


A total of 202 subjects were recruited from both sites (age range 16–72 years; 76 male, 126 female; spherical contact lens optical power equivalent range: +7.75D to −19.25D). Considering health issues, one hundred and five (52%) patients were found to exhibit at least one undiagnosed complication (95% CI: 0.45-0.59): 70% were diagnosed with contact lens driven ocular complications; 54% were diagnosed with non-contact lens driven ocular health issues; and 4% showed signs of undiagnosed systemic disease. Of note, complication prevalence increases to 72% overall if both contact lens fit issues and contact lens care compliance problems are included as complications in analysis.


A striking ocular health and contact lens complication rate in asymptomatic soft contact lens wearers is demonstrated across two different study sites. This data suggests that asymptomatic as well as symptomatic contact lens wearers require routine professional evaluations.






到 Ketchum Health(加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆)的大学眼科中心和马萨诸塞州药学与健康科学学院(马萨诸塞州伍斯特)的眼科和视力中心进行常规隐形眼镜综合检查以更新现有联系方式的无症状软性隐形眼镜患者镜片处方经过专业评估并记录其并发症。所有受试者都没有抱怨并且有主观上成功计划更换软镜片至少 1 年的历史。


从两个站点共招募了 202 名受试者(年龄范围 16-72 岁;76 名男性,126 名女性;球面隐形眼镜屈光度等效范围:+7.75D 至 -19.25D)。考虑到健康问题,发现 105 (52%) 名患者表现出至少一种未确诊的并发症(95% CI:0.45-0.59):70% 被诊断为隐形眼镜引起的眼部并发症;54% 被诊断为非隐形眼镜导致的眼部健康问题;4% 有未确诊全身性疾病的迹象。值得注意的是,如果隐形眼镜配戴问题和隐形眼镜护理依从性问题都作为并发症纳入分析,则并发症患病率总体上会增加至 72%。


