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Seismic stratigraphic framework and depositional history for Cretaceous and Cenozoic contourite depositional systems of the Mozambique Channel, SW Indian Ocean
Marine Geology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106192
Antoine Thiéblemont , F. Javier Hernández-Molina , Jean-Pierre Ponte , Cécile Robin , François Guillocheau , Carlo Cazzola , François Raisson

This study describes previously unrecognized contourite depositional systems (CDSs) in the Mozambique Channel which constrain palaeoceanographic models for this area. The stratigraphic stacking patterns record nine seismic units (SU1 to SU9) separated by eight major discontinuities (a to h, oldest to youngest). Key seismic markers in CDS evolutionary history occur during Aptian-Albian (~122 Ma), late Cenomanian (94 Ma), early (38.2–36.2 Ma) and late (25–23 Ma) Oligocene, and early-middle Miocene (~17–15 Ma) epochs. These record onset (~122 to 94 Ma), growth (94 to 25–23 Ma), maintenance (25–23 to 17–15 Ma), and burial (17–15 Ma to the actual time) stages for CDSs. CDSs first develop during the onset stage which coincides with the opening and deepening of the African-Southern Ocean gateway (at 122 and 100 Ma, respectively). The growth stage, beginning in the late Cenomanian (94 Ma), correlates with the opening and deepening of the Equatorial Atlantic gateway. During the growth stage, two major shifts in sedimentary stacking pattern occur which coincide with palaeoceanographic changes during the early (38.2–36.2 Ma) and late (25–23 Ma) Oligocene. These in turn coincide with the onset and local enhancement of Antarctic water masses. CDS growth continued until the early-middle Miocene during the maintenance stage (~17–15 Ma). Most CDS growth ceased at the end of the maintenance stage. Circulation of the North Atlantic water mass into the Southern Hemisphere led to a deepening of Antarctic water masses in the area.



这项研究描述了莫桑比克海峡以前无法识别的轮廓沉积系统(CDS),该系统限制了该地区的古海洋学模型。地层叠加模式记录了由八个主要间断点(a到h,从最早到最年轻)分隔的九个地震单元(SU1到SU9)。CDS演化历史中的关键地震标志物发生在阿片安-阿尔比(〜122 Ma),晚切诺曼尼亚(94 Ma),早(38.2–36.2 Ma)和晚(25–23 Ma)渐新世以及中新世中期(〜17) – 15 Ma)时代。这些CDS的记录开始(〜122至94 Ma),增长(94至25-23 Ma),维持(25-23至17-15 Ma)和埋葬(实际时间17-15 Ma)阶段。CDSs在发病初期首先发展,这与非洲南部海洋门户的开放和加深相吻合(分别为122 Ma和100 Ma)。成长阶段 始于晚塞诺曼尼亚(94 Ma),与赤道大西洋通道的开放和加深有关。在生长阶段,沉积堆积模式发生了两个主要变化,这与渐新世早期(38.2-36.2 Ma)和晚期(25-23 Ma)的古海洋学变化相吻合。这些又与南极水团的发生和局部增强相吻合。CDS的生长一直持续到维护阶段(〜17-15 Ma)中中新世早期为止。大多数CDS增长在维护阶段结束时就停止了。北大西洋水团向南半球的流通导致该地区南极水团的加深。在渐新世早期(38.2-36.2 Ma)和晚期(25-23 Ma),古沉积学的变化与沉积堆积模式发生了两个主要变化。这些又与南极水团的发生和局部增强相吻合。CDS的生长一直持续到维护阶段(〜17-15 Ma)中中新世早期为止。大多数CDS增长在维护阶段结束时就停止了。北大西洋水团向南半球的流通导致该地区南极水团的加深。在渐新世早期(38.2-36.2 Ma)和晚期(25-23 Ma),古沉积学的变化与沉积堆积模式发生了两个主要变化。这些又与南极水团的发生和局部增强相吻合。CDS的生长一直持续到维护阶段(〜17-15 Ma)中中新世早期为止。大多数CDS增长在维护阶段结束时就停止了。北大西洋水团向南半球的流通导致该地区南极水团的加深。大多数CDS增长在维护阶段结束时就停止了。北大西洋水团向南半球的流通导致该地区南极水团的加深。大多数CDS增长在维护阶段结束时就停止了。北大西洋水团向南半球的流通导致该地区南极水团的加深。
