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Megapinosome: Morphological description of a novel organelle.
Journal of Structural Biology ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2020.107505
Andrea Bauer 1 , Giada Frascaroli 2 , Paul Walther 1

The megapinosome is an endocytic cell organel that we observed in human macrophages with electron microscopy. In a previous work we showed that it is formed by an endocytic event that we called megapinocytosis. The megapinosome is filled with a membrane surrounded trabecular meshwork that is topologically part of the cytosol. In this work we used scanning transmission electron tomography on high pressure frozen and freeze substituted human macrophages in order to unravel the three-dimensional structure of both the megapinosome and the adjacent structures. The megapinosome consists of the trabecular meshwork and the lacunae which are connected with and topologically equivalent to the cytosol. The surrounding lumen is topologically equivalent to the structures of the vesicular pathway. In addition, we show the connections of the trabecular meshwork with the cytosol and the connection of the megapinosomes to a complex tubular and cisternal system covering a large part of the macrophages that we named megapinosome complex. We assume that our methodological approach, based on high pressure freezing from a defined physiological state and three-dimensional imaging, renders the tubular components of the macrophages better visible than the classical two-dimensional imaging of chemically fixed cells used as a "blueprint" for textbook illustrations. The cell biological functions of the megapinosome are largely enigmatic. Probably, megapinosomes assures storage of surface membranes that can be promptly made available when a macrophage needs to change shape to move through a tissue, to uptake extracellular material or dead cells as well as to fight against microbes.


