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Cesarean scar defects: management of an iatrogenic pathology whose prevalence has dramatically increased
Fertility and Sterility ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2020.01.037
Olivier Donnez

Around 20% of pregnant women undergo cesarean section (CS), and in most regions of the world CS rates continue to grow. There is still no clear definition of what is considered a normal physiologic aspect of a CS scar and what is abnormal. Cesarean scar defects (CSDs) should be suspected in women presenting with spotting, dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, or infertility and a history of CS. CSDs can be visualized with the use of hysterosalpingography, transvaginal sonography, saline infusion sonohysterography, hysteroscopy, and magnetic resonance imaging. It is reasonable to consider hormone therapy for CSDs as a symptomatic treatment in women who no longer wish to conceive and have no contraindications. In case of failure of or contraindications to medical treatment, surgery should be contemplated according to the severity of symptoms, including infertility, the desire or otherwise to preserve the uterus, the size of the CSD, and residual myometrium thickness (RMT) measurement. Hysteroscopy is considered to be more of a resection than a repair, so women who desire pregnancy should be excluded from this technique if the RMT is <3 mm, in which case repair is essential and can be achieved by only laparoscopic or vaginal approach. Women with CSDs need to be given complete information, including available literature, before any treatment decision is made. Because prevention is better than cure, risk factors should be identified early to ensure appropriate management.



大约 20% 的孕妇接受剖宫产 (CS),并且在世界大部分地区剖宫产率继续增长。对于什么被认为是 CS 疤痕的正常生理方面以及什么是异常,仍然没有明确的定义。出现点滴出血、痛经、盆腔疼痛或不孕症并有 CS 病史的女性应怀疑剖宫产瘢痕缺陷 (CSD)。CSD 可以通过使用子宫输卵管造影术、经阴道超声检查、盐水输注超声子宫造影术、宫腔镜检查和磁共振成像进行可视化。对于不再希望怀孕且没有禁忌症的女性,考虑将激素治疗 CSD 作为对症治疗是合理的。如果药物治疗失败或有禁忌症,应根据症状的严重程度考虑手术治疗,包括不孕不育、希望或以其他方式保留子宫、CSD 的大小和残余子宫肌层厚度 (RMT) 测量。宫腔镜检查被认为更像是切除而不是修复,因此如果 RMT 小于 3 毫米,希望怀孕的女性应排除在该技术之外,在这种情况下,修复是必不可少的,只能通过腹腔镜或阴道方法实现。在做出任何治疗决定之前,需要向患有 CSD 的女性提供完整的信息,包括可用的文献。由于预防胜于治疗,因此应及早识别风险因素以确保适当的管理。因此,如果 RMT < 3 mm,希望怀孕的女性应排除在该技术之外,在这种情况下,修复是必不可少的,只能通过腹腔镜或阴道方法来实现。在做出任何治疗决定之前,需要向患有 CSD 的女性提供完整的信息,包括可用的文献。由于预防胜于治疗,因此应及早识别风险因素以确保适当的管理。因此,如果 RMT < 3 mm,希望怀孕的女性应排除在该技术之外,在这种情况下,修复是必不可少的,只能通过腹腔镜或阴道方法来实现。在做出任何治疗决定之前,需要向患有 CSD 的女性提供完整的信息,包括可用的文献。由于预防胜于治疗,因此应及早识别风险因素以确保适当的管理。