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Genetic counseling education at the undergraduate level: An outreach initiative to promote professional recruitment and support workforce development
Journal of Genetic Counseling ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/jgc4.1253
Arpita Neogi 1, 2 , Jeevan Kumar 1 , Yue Guan 2, 3 , Madasamy Parani 1

As in many other countries, the field of genetic counseling is in its initial stages of development in India, where there are efforts to streamline the profession and to implement graduate‐level training programs. We implemented an elective course on genetic counseling at the undergraduate level in a private university in India to assess students’ interest, to provide early exposure for students interested in pursuing the career, and to aid recruitment. To assess satisfaction with the course and recruitment outcomes, we sent a course evaluation survey to 332 students and received 134 responses. Familiarity with genetic counseling topics increased significantly after completing the course. Of the 42 respondents who reported they were planning to pursue formal genetic counseling training, 21% (n = 9/42) became interested in the profession as a result of taking this course. Survey respondents who were prospective applicants to genetic counseling training programs referred mostly to the websites of the National Society of Genetic Counselors and the American Board of Genetic Counseling for information on genetic counseling and training. Barriers to entry into the field included lack of shadowing opportunities, inadequate coursework, and limited opportunities to interact with practicing genetic counselors. Respondents stated that additional case studies as well as observation of patient interactions would elucidate the role of a genetic counselor and help define the scope of the practice in India and other countries. Overall, genetic counseling education at the undergraduate level is a scalable way to improve understanding of genetic counseling topics, increase professional interest in the field, and support workforce development.



与其他许多国家一样,印度的遗传咨询领域正处于发展的初期阶段,印度正在努力精简该专业并实施研究生水平的培训计划。我们在印度一所私立大学的本科阶段开设了有关遗传咨询的选修课,以评估学生的兴趣,为有兴趣从事职业的学生提供早期接触机会,并帮助其招聘。为了评估对课程和招聘结果的满意度,我们向332名学生发送了课程评估调查,并收到134份回复。完成课程后,对遗传咨询主题的熟悉程度显着提高。在报告称计划进行正规遗传咨询培训的42位受访者中,有21%(n = 9/42)由于参加了此课程而对该行业产生了兴趣。可能是遗传咨询培训计划申请人的受访者大多访问了国家遗传咨询师协会和美国遗传咨询委员会的网站,以获取有关遗传咨询和培训的信息。进入该领域的障碍包括缺乏影子的机会,课程工作不足以及与执业遗传咨询师互动的机会有限。受访者表示,更多案例研究以及对患者互动的观察将阐明遗传咨询师的作用,并有助于确定印度和其他国家的执业范围。总体,