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The phenotype of adverse drug effects: Do emergency visits due to adverse drug reactions look different in older people? Results from the ADRED study.
British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1111/bcp.14304
Katja S Just 1 , Harald Dormann 2 , Marlen Schurig 3 , Miriam Böhme 3 , Michael Steffens 3 , Bettina Plank-Kiegele 2 , Kristin Ettrich 4 , Thomas Seufferlein 4 , Ingo Gräff 5 , Svitlana Igel 6 , Severin Schricker 7 , Simon U Jaeger 6, 8 , Matthias Schwab 6, 8, 9 , Julia C Stingl 1

Older patients in particular suffer from adverse drug reactions (ADR) when presenting in the emergency department. We aimed to characterise the phenotype of those ADRs, to be able to recognise an ADR in older patients.


药物不良反应的表型:老年人因药物不良反应而急诊就诊是否有所不同?ADRED 研究的结果。

特别是老年患者在急诊科就诊时会出现药物不良反应 (ADR)。我们旨在表征这些 ADR 的表型,以便能够识别老年患者的 ADR。