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BoR: Toward High-Performance Permissioned Blockchain in RDMA-enabled Network
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tsc.2019.2948009
Bobo Huang , Li Jin , Zhihui Lu , Xin Zhou , Jie Wu , Qifeng Tang , Patrick C. K. Hung

Known as a distributed ledger, blockchain is becoming prevalent due to its decentralization, traceability and tamper resistance. Particularly, permissioned blockchain such as Hyperledger Fabric shows great application prospects as the infrastructure of IoT security, credit management, etc. Many cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, Oracle and IBM cloud currently provide blockchain as a service, in which tenants can quickly build permissioned blockchain and run smart contract based applications. However, the transactions throughput and scalability in the permissioned blockchain are not ideal, despite many optimization efforts in consensus protocol and parallel chain. Existing solutions still reveals some limitations like excessive CPU scheduling, inefficient block broadcast and high latency of initial blocks synchronization when new nodes join blockchain network. Inspired by the emerging RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) network, we propose BoR, an RDMA-based permissioned blockchain framework. By offloading the block transfer transaction into RDMA NICs, it can increase block broadcast speed and reduce block sync delay. We exploit the RDMA primitives to redesign the block synchronization protocol and accelerate DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake) consensus process for higher throughput and lower latency in kernel-bypass manner. As demonstrated in our evaluation with different workloads, BoR with lower CPU utilization significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art EoS blockchain.


BoR:在支持 RDMA 的网络中实现高性能许可区块链

区块链被称为分布式账本,由于其去中心化、可追溯性和防篡改,正变得越来越流行。尤其是Hyperledger Fabric等许可区块链作为物联网安全、信用管理等基础设施显示出广阔的应用前景。AWS、Azure、Oracle、IBM云等众多云平台目前都提供区块链即服务,租户可以在其中快速构建许可区块链并运行基于智能合约的应用程序。然而,尽管在共识协议和并行链上做了很多优化,但许可区块链中的交易吞吐量和可扩展性并不理想。现有的解决方案仍然暴露出一些限制,例如过度的 CPU 调度,当新节点加入区块链网络时,低效的区块广播和初始区块同步的高延迟。受新兴 RDMA(远程直接内存访问)网络的启发,我们提出了基于 RDMA 的许可区块链框架 BoR。通过将块传输事务卸载到 RDMA NIC,它可以提高块广播速度并减少块同步延迟。我们利用 RDMA 原语重新设计块同步协议并加速 DPoS(委托权益证明)共识过程,以内核绕过方式获得更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟。正如我们对不同工作负载的评估所证明的那样,CPU 利用率较低的 BoR 显着优于最先进的 EoS 区块链。基于 RDMA 的许可区块链框架。通过将块传输事务卸载到 RDMA NIC,它可以提高块广播速度并减少块同步延迟。我们利用 RDMA 原语重新设计块同步协议并加速 DPoS(委托权益证明)共识过程,以内核绕过方式获得更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟。正如我们对不同工作负载的评估所证明的那样,CPU 利用率较低的 BoR 显着优于最先进的 EoS 区块链。基于 RDMA 的许可区块链框架。通过将块传输事务卸载到 RDMA NIC,它可以提高块广播速度并减少块同步延迟。我们利用 RDMA 原语重新设计块同步协议并加速 DPoS(委托权益证明)共识过程,以内核绕过方式获得更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟。正如我们对不同工作负载的评估所证明的那样,CPU 利用率较低的 BoR 显着优于最先进的 EoS 区块链。我们利用 RDMA 原语重新设计块同步协议并加速 DPoS(委托权益证明)共识过程,以内核绕过方式获得更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟。正如我们对不同工作负载的评估所证明的那样,CPU 利用率较低的 BoR 显着优于最先进的 EoS 区块链。我们利用 RDMA 原语重新设计块同步协议并加速 DPoS(委托权益证明)共识过程,以内核绕过方式获得更高的吞吐量和更低的延迟。正如我们对不同工作负载的评估所证明的那样,CPU 利用率较低的 BoR 显着优于最先进的 EoS 区块链。