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Integrating fish scale and bone isotopic compositions for 'deep time' retrospective studies.
Marine Environmental Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104982
Eric J Guiry 1 , Brian P V Hunt 2

Isotopic studies of archived fish scales have tremendous potential to develop long-term retrospectives that provide important insights into how humans have altered aquatic ecosystems. However, fish specimens in museum archives and other repositories typically date to time periods when the impacts of industrial societies may have already caused profound environmental changes. Archaeological fish bones offer an opportunity to bridge this key temporal gap by providing samples spanning from the recent past to as far back as the Pleistocene. Collagen is the primary protein component of both fish scale and bone, but the comparability of isotopic compositions from these tissues has not been established experimentally. To lay the framework for integrating isotopic datasets from these tissues, we compare δ13C and δ15N of bone and scale collagen, as well as other tissues, from fish with life-time controlled diets. Results show that while there is no difference in δ13C between scale and bone collagen, there may be a very slight but meaningful inter-tissue offset in δ15N (<0.3‰). We discuss potential sources of δ15N variation in scale and bone collagen measurements. Because there is no difference in scale and bone δ13C, and the observed offset in δ15N is very small (less than analytical uncertainty in many studies), our findings demonstrate that collagen isotopic compositions from these tissues should be directly comparable when integrating datasets from modern and ancient samples to build more powerful, millennium-scale isotopic times series. In linking isotopic compositions of collagen from modern, historical (scales), and archaeological (bones) fish, our findings open the way for more nuanced contextualization of how ecosystems functioned prior to large-scale exploitation and how they have responded to mounting anthropogenic pressures in the intervening centuries.



鱼类档案的同位素研究具有巨大的潜力,可以开展长期回顾,为人类如何改变水生生态系统提供重要见解。但是,博物馆档案馆和其他存储库中的鱼标本通常可以追溯到工业社会的影响可能已经引起了深刻的环境变化的时期。考古鱼骨提供了一个从最近的历史一直到更新世的样本来弥合这一主要时间差距的机会。胶原蛋白是鱼鳞和骨骼的主要蛋白质成分,但是这些组织中同位素组成的可比性尚未通过实验确定。为了打好框架,从这些组织整合的同位素数据集,我们比较δ 13 C和δ15 N的骨骼和鳞片胶原蛋白以及其他组织,来自具有终生控制饮食的鱼类。结果表明,尽管有在δ没有差异13的规模和骨胶原C之间,可能有非常轻微的但有意义的组织间在δ偏移15 N(<0.3‰)。我们讨论δ的潜在来源15在规模和出骨胶原测量ñ变化。因为在规模和骨δ无差别13 C,和观察到的在δ偏移15N非常小(在许多研究中都小于分析不确定性),我们的发现表明,当整合来自现代和古代样本的数据集以建立更强大的千年尺度同位素时间序列时,这些组织的胶原同位素组成应可直接比较。在将现代,历史(尺度)和考古(骨骼)鱼类的胶原蛋白的同位素组成联系起来时,我们的发现为在大规模开发之前如何生态系统如何运作及其如何应对不断增加的人为压力做出更细致的背景研究开辟了道路。中间的世纪。
