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Testing ecosystem accounting in the United States: A case study for the Southeast
Ecosystem Services ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2020.101099
Katherine J.D. Warnell , Marc Russell , Charles Rhodes , Kenneth J. Bagstad , Lydia P. Olander , David J. Nowak , Rajendra Poudel , Pierre D. Glynn , Julie L. Hass , Satoshi Hirabayashi , Jane Carter Ingram , John Matuszak , Kirsten L.L. Oleson , Stephen M. Posner , Ferdinando Villa

Ecosystem accounts, as formalized by the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Experimental Ecosystem Accounts (SEEA EEA), have been compiled in a number of countries, yet there have been few attempts to develop them for the U.S. We explore the potential for U.S. ecosystem accounting by compiling ecosystem extent, condition, and ecosystem services supply and use accounts for a 10-state region in the Southeast. The pilot accounts address air quality, water quality, biodiversity, carbon storage, recreation, and pollination for selected years from 2001 to 2015. Results illustrate how information from ecosystem accounts can contribute to policy and decision making. Using an example from Atlanta, we also show how ecosystem accounts can be considered alongside other SEEA accounts to give a more complete picture of a local area’s environmental-economic trends. The process by which we determined where to place metrics within the accounting framework, which was strongly informed by the National Ecosystem Services Classification System (NESCS), can provide guidance for future ecosystem accounts in the U.S. and other countries. Finally, we identify knowledge gaps that limit the inclusion of certain ecosystem services in the accounts and suggest future research that can close these gaps and improve future U.S. ecosystem accounts.



由环境经济核算实验生态系统核算系统(SEEA EEA)形式化的生态系统核算已在许多国家/地区进行了编制,但几乎没有为美国开发这些核算的尝试。我们探索了美国生态系统核算的潜力通过汇总生态系统的范围,状况和生态系统服务的供应和使用,可以算出东南10个州的地区。该试点账户涵盖了2001年至2015年特定年份的空气质量,水质,生物多样性,碳存储,娱乐和授粉。结果说明了来自生态系统账户的信息如何有助于政策和决策。以亚特兰大为例,我们还展示了如何将生态系统账户与其他SEEA账户一起考虑,以更全面地了解当地的环境经济趋势。国家生态系统服务分类系统(NESCS)强烈建议我们确定在会计框架内放置度量的过程,可以为美国和其他国家/地区未来的生态系统账户提供指导。最后,我们确定了知识缺口,这些知识缺口限制了帐户中某些生态系统服务的涵盖范围,并提出了可以弥补这些缺口并改善未来美国生态系统账目的未来研究。可以为美国和其他国家/地区未来的生态系统帐户提供指导。最后,我们确定了知识缺口,这些知识缺口限制了帐户中某些生态系统服务的涵盖范围,并提出了可以弥补这些缺口并改善未来美国生态系统账目的未来研究。可以为美国和其他国家/地区未来的生态系统帐户提供指导。最后,我们确定了知识缺口,这些知识缺口限制了帐户中某些生态系统服务的涵盖范围,并提出了可以弥补这些缺口并改善未来美国生态系统账目的未来研究。
