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Epichloë endophytes of a wild grass promote mycorrhizal colonization of neighbor grasses
Fungal Ecology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.funeco.2020.100916
M. Victoria Vignale , Leopoldo J. Iannone , M. Victoria Novas

A field experiment was performed to study the effect of Epichloë endophytes of the wild forage grass Bromus auleticus on mycorrhizal colonization, seedling emergence and growth parameters in three heterospecific grasses of agronomic interest. Plots with B. auleticus associated with Epichloë (E+) and non-associated (E-) plants were established and 3 y later, seeds of Lolium multiflorum (E+ or E-), Schedonorus arundinaceus (E+ or E-) and Bromus catharticus (which does not establish associations with Epichloë) were sown as B. auleticus neighbors. While B. auleticus E+ plants induced a significant increase in mycorrhizal colonization of the neighbor grasses, even higher in the E- neighbor plants (L. multiflorum and S. arundinaceus), in comparison to B. auleticus E- neighbors, seedling emergence, root length, leaf number or shoot dry weight were not affected. This is the first approach to studying these triple interactions (endophyte-grass-mycorrhiza) involving wild and forage grasses in the field. Our results show that the effect of Epichloë extends further than its own host and suggest an interaction among endophytes of heterospecific neighbors at the rhizosphere level.



进行了田间试验,研究的效果稻香野生牧草的内生雀auleticus对菌根,在农业价值三个异种草出苗和生长参数。与曲线B. auleticus关联稻香(E +)和非相关的(E-)植物建立和3 Y以后,种子多花黑麦草(E +或E-),Schedonorus茅(E +或E-)和大扁雀麦(未与Epichloë建立联系的人被称为B. auleticus邻居。而B. auleticusB. auleticus E-邻居,幼苗出苗,根长,叶数相比,E +植物诱导邻居草的菌根定植显着增加,在E-邻居植物中(多花L. multiflorumS. arundinaceus)更高。或苗干重不受影响。这是研究田间野草和牧草的三重相互作用(内生草-菌根)的第一种方法。我们的结果表明,Epichloë的作用扩展到其宿主之外,并暗示了根际水平上异种邻居的内生菌之间的相互作用。
