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A Simple Method for Simulating Groundwater Interactions with Fens to Forecast Development Effects
Ground Water ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-20 , DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12931
Daniel T. Feinstein 1 , David J. Hart , Sarah Gatzke 2 , Randall J. Hunt 3 , Richard G. Niswonger 4 , Michael N. Fienen 3

Protection of fens–wetlands dependent on groundwater discharge–requires characterization of groundwater sources and stresses. Because instrumentation and numerical modeling of fens is labor intensive, easy‐to‐apply methods that model fen distribution and their vulnerability to development are desirable. Here we demonstrate that fen areas can be simulated using existing steady‐state MODFLOW models when the unsaturated zone flow (UZF) package is included. In cells where the water table is near land surface, the UZF package calculates a head difference and scaled conductance at these “seepage drain” cells to generate average rates of vertical seepage to the land. This formulation, which represents an alternative to blanketing the MODFLOW domain with drains, requires very little input from the user because unsaturated flow‐routing is inactive and results are primarily driven by easily obtained topographic information. Like the drain approach, it has the advantage that the distribution of seepage areas is not predetermined by the modeler, but rather emerges from simulated heads. Beyond the drain approach, it takes account of intracell land surface variation to explicitly quantify multiple surficial flows corresponding to infiltration, rejected recharge, recharge and land‐surface seepage. Application of the method to a basin in southeastern Wisconsin demonstrates how it can be used as a decision‐support tool to first, reproduce fen distribution and, second, forecast drawdown and reduced seepage at fens in response to shallow pumping.


