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Contemporary climate change hinders hybrid performance of ecologically dominant marine invertebrates
Journal of Evolutionary Biology ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/jeb.13609
Jamie Hudson 1 , Christopher D McQuaid 2 , Marc Rius 1, 3

Human activities alter patterns of biodiversity, particularly through species extinctions and range shifts. Two of these activities are human mediated transfer of species and contemporary climate change, and both allow previously isolated genotypes to come into contact and hybridize, potentially altering speciation rates. Hybrids have been shown to survive environmental conditions not tolerated by either parent, suggesting that, under some circumstances, hybrids may be able to expand their ranges and perform well under rapidly changing conditions. However, studies assessing how hybridization influences contemporary range shifts are scarce. We performed crosses on Pyura herdmani and Pyura stolonifera (Chordata, Tunicata), two closely related marine invertebrate species that are ecologically dominant and can hybridize. These sister species live in sympatry along the coasts of southern Africa, but one has a disjunct distribution that includes northern hemisphere sites. We experimentally assessed the performance of hybrid and parental crosses using different temperature regimes, including temperatures predicted under future climate change scenarios. We found that hybrids showed lower performance than parental crosses at the experimental temperatures, suggesting that hybrids are unlikely to expand their ranges to new environments. In turn, we found that the more widespread species performed better at a wide array of temperatures, indicating that this parental species may cope better with future conditions. This study illustrates how offspring fitness may provide key insights to predict range expansions and how contemporary climate change may mediate both the ability of hybrids to expand their ranges and the occurrence of speciation as a result of hybridization.



人类活动改变了生物多样性的模式,特别是通过物种灭绝和范围转移。其中两项活动是人类介导的物种转移和当代气候变化,两者都允许先前孤立的基因型接触和杂交,从而可能改变物种形成率。杂种已被证明可以在任何亲本都不能容忍的环境条件下生存,这表明在某些情况下,杂种可能能够扩大其范围并在快速变化的条件下表现良好。然而,评估杂交如何影响当代范围变化的研究很少。我们对 Pyura herdmani 和 Pyura stolonifera(脊索动物,Tunicata)进行了杂交,这两种海洋无脊椎动物在生态上占优势,可以杂交。这些姊妹物种生活在非洲南部沿海地区,但其中一个物种的分布不连续,包括北半球的地点。我们使用不同的温度制度,包括在未来气候变化情景下预测的温度,通过实验评估了杂交和亲本杂交的性能。我们发现杂种在实验温度下表现出低于亲本杂交的性能,这表明杂种不太可能将其范围扩展到新环境。反过来,我们发现分布更广的物种在各种温度下表现更好,表明该亲本物种可能更好地应对未来的条件。