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Closure of a hyperextended system in an orogenic lithospheric pop‐up, Western Pyrenees: The role of mantle buttressing and rift structural inheritance
Terra Nova ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.1111/ter.12457
Nicolas Saspiturry 1 , Cécile Allanic 2 , Philippe Razin 1 , Benoit Issautier 2 , Thierry Baudin 2 , Eric Lasseur 2 , Olivier Serrano 2 , Sophie Leleu 1

The Early Cretaceous hyperextended Mauléon rift is localized in the north‐western Pyrenean orogen. We infer the Tertiary evolution of the Mauléon basin through the restoration of a 153‐km‐long crustal‐scale balanced cross‐section of the Pyrenean belt, which documents at least 67 km (31%) of orogenic shortening in the Western Pyrenees. Initial shortening, accommodated through inversion of inherited crustal structures, led to formation of a pop‐up structure, in which the opposite edges underwent similar shortening with different tectonic reactivation styles, localized versus. distributed. Underthrusting of the Iberian margin accommodated further convergence, forming the Axial Zone antiformal stack of crustal nappes within a lithospheric pop‐up. Thin‐skinned and thick‐skinned structures propagated outward from the heart of this pop‐up, a block of strong mantle acting as a buttress inhibiting complete inversion of the Mauléon rift basin.



早白垩世超伸展的莫隆裂谷位于西北比利牛斯山造山带中。我们通过恢复比利牛斯山脉长153 km的地壳尺度平衡断面来推断Mauléon盆地的第三纪演化,该断层记录了比利牛斯山西部至少67 km(31%)的造山带缩短。最初的缩短,通过继承的地壳结构的逆转来适应,导致形成一个弹起结构,其中相对的边缘经历了类似的缩短,具有不同的构造活化方式,即局部相对于构造。分散式。伊比利亚边缘的下冲作用进一步收敛,在岩石圈弹出窗口内形成了地壳推覆的轴向带反型叠层。薄皮肤和厚皮肤结构从此弹出窗口的中心向外传播,