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New data on accounts of the 1908 Tunguska event
Terra Nova ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: 10.1111/ter.12453
Andrei Ol'khovatov 1

There has been a longstanding debate about the nature of the 1908 Tunguska event. Many eyewitness accounts were collected more than half of a century after the event. Among these are many second‐hand oral accounts after the generation of eyewitnesses faded away. However, several years ago, two valuable publications appeared containing first‐hand eyewitness accounts collected by a Russian ethnographer, Sev'yan Vainshtein, during an expedition to the settlement of Sulomay in 1948. This paper presents additional details of these accounts, based on the author's discussions with Vainshtein before he died in 2008, and demonstrates how these accounts shed new light on what happened in Tunguska in June 1908.



关于1908年通古斯(Tunguska)事件性质的争论由来已久。事件发生半个多世纪后,收集了许多目击者的陈述。其中包括许多目击者消失后的二手口头报告。但是,几年前,出现了两个有价值的出版物,其中包含俄罗斯民族志学家Sev'yan Vainshtein在1948年对Sulomay定居点进行的一次远征中收集的第一手目击者的证词。本文根据这些证词提供了这些证词的其他详细信息。作者在2008年去世前与Vainshtein的讨论,并展示了这些叙述如何为1908年6月在通古斯发生的事情提供了新的线索。