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Meso–Cenozoic cooling and exhumation history of the Orlica‐Śnieżnik Dome (Sudetes, NE Bohemian Massif, Central Europe): Insights from apatite fission‐track thermochronometry
Terra Nova ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-17 , DOI: 10.1111/ter.12449
Artur Sobczyk 1 , Edward R. Sobel 2 , Viktoria Georgieva 3

This study presents the first suite of apatite fission‐track (AFT) ages from the SE part of the Western Sudetes. AFT cooling ages from the Orlica‐Śnieżnik Dome and the Upper Nysa Kłodzka Graben range from Late Cretaceous (84 Ma) to Early Palaeocene–Middle Eocene (64–45 Ma). The first stage of basin evolution (~100–90 Ma) was marked by the formation of a local extensional depocentre and disruption of the Mesozoic planation surface. Subsequent far‐field convergence of European microplates resulted in Coniacian–Santonian (~89–83 Ma) thrust faulting. AFT data from both metamorphic basement and Mesozoic sedimentary cover indicate homogenous Late Cretaceous burial of the entire Western Sudetes. Thermal history modeling suggests that the onset of cooling could be constrained between 89 and 63 Ma with a climax during the Palaeocene–Middle Eocene basin inversion phase.



这项研究显示了西部苏台德群岛东南部的第一组磷灰石裂变径迹(AFT)年龄。从Orlica-Śnieżnik圆顶和NysaKłodzkaGraben上层的AFT冷却年龄范围从白垩纪晚期(84 Ma)到古新世-中新世中期(64-45 Ma)。盆地演化的第一阶段(约100-90 Ma)以局部伸展的沉积中心的形成和中生代平坦面的破坏为标志。随后,欧洲微孔板的远场收敛导致了Coniacian–Santonian(〜89–83 Ma)逆冲断层。来自变质基底和中生代沉积盖层的AFT数据表明整个西苏德特人的晚白垩世都是均匀的。