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Water, ice, and climate change in northwest Greenland
WIREs Water ( IF 6.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1002/wat2.1433
Mark Nuttall 1

Along the coastal areas of northwest Greenland, sea ice is crucial to people's livelihoods. People in the region have long depended on hunting marine mammals such as seals; walrus; narwhal, beluga, fin, and minke whales; and polar bears, as well as fishing for fjord cod, Greenland halibut, salmon, and Arctic char. Terrestrial animals such as reindeer and Arctic foxes have also been of some importance, as have musk ox in some areas. However, the effects of a changing climate on the marine environment are stark, immediate, and tangible. Ice is melting, and coastal waters are warming. Sea ice, glaciers, coastlines, and seas have become sites and objects for new forms of environmental governance shaped by ideas of unique and fragile ecosystems under threat at a moment of planetary crisis. Conservation organizations frame the Arctic as a zone of climate change crisis and have launched campaigns—underpinned by narratives of ruination—to protect what are termed last areas of ice. However, Inuit organizations are also working to ensure that environmental governance and conservation policymaking do not exclude local communities in the region and are campaigning for protected marine areas in which wildlife management systems and community‐based monitoring take note of indigenous rights and incorporate indigenous knowledge.



在格陵兰西北部沿海地区,海冰对人们的生活至关重要。该地区的人们长期以来依赖捕猎海豹等海洋哺乳动物。海象; 独角鲸,白鲸,鳍和小须鲸;和北极熊,以及垂钓峡湾鳕鱼,格陵兰大比目鱼,鲑鱼和北极红点鲑。陆生动物(例如驯鹿和北极狐)也很重要,某些地区的麝牛也很重要。但是,气候变化对海洋环境的影响是明显,直接和切实的。冰在融化,​​沿海水域正在变暖。海冰,冰川,海岸线和海洋已经成为新的环境治理形式的场所和对象,这种新形式的环境治理受到在星球危机时刻受到威胁的独特而脆弱的生态系统观念的影响。保护组织将北极地区定为气候变化危机地区,并发起了以破坏性叙述为基础的运动,以保护所谓的最后一块冰原。但是,因纽特人组织也在努力确保环境治理和保护政策制定不排除该地区的当地社区,并在保护海洋区域开展活动,在这些区域中,野生动植物管理系统和基于社区的监测都注意到了土著权利并吸收了土著知识。