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Nomenclatural anomalies among Kunth's Rubiaceae
TAXON ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-29 , DOI: 10.1002/tax.12183
Joseph H. Kirkbride 1 , John H. Wiersema 1

Humboldt and Bonpland made one of the most important early expeditions yielding plant collections from Latin America. Carl Sigismund Kunth prepared the Nova genera et species plantarum for their magnificent Voyage aux régions équinoctiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en 1799–1804. At almost the same time, Roemer and Schultes were publishing the 16th edition of Linnaeus's Systema vegetabilium. Many Latin American species were treated in both publications under different names. In most cases, Kunth's names have priority over those published in Roemer and Schultes, but there are exceptions. Six rubiaceous names of Kunth are illegitimate because he cited prior valid names as synonyms: Declieuxia chiococcoides, Hedyotis cervantesii, Hedyotis hypnoides, Spermacoce distans, Spermacoce diversifolia (≡ Crusea simplex, comb. nov.), and Spermacoce tenella, and one, Macrocnemum tinctorium, because it is a later homonym. Many botanists have treated these names as available or improperly typified them; all are illegitimate and not to be used, and their typification is resolved.



洪堡(Humboldt)和邦普兰(Bonpland)成为最重要的早期探险之一,从拉丁美洲收集了一些植物。卡尔·西吉斯蒙德·昆斯(Carl Sigismund Kunth)为他们的壮丽的新大陆大陆航行之旅(Fouy auxrégionséquinoctialesdu Nouveau Continent)做了准备,完成了1799–1804年新星属植物。几乎同时,Roemer和Schultes出版了第16版Linnaeus的Systema植物。在两个出版物中,许多拉丁美洲物种都以不同的名称被对待。在大多数情况下,Kunth的名称优先于Roemer和Schultes中发表的名称,但也有例外。昆斯有六个可怕的名字是非法的,因为他引用了先前的有效名字作为同义词:Declieuxia chiococcoidescervantesiiHedyotis hypnoidesHeperotis hypnoidesSpermacoce distansSpermacoce diversifolia≡Crusea simplexcomb.nov。)和Spermacoce tenella以及一个Macrocnemum tinctorium,因为它是后来的同音字。许多植物学家将这些名称视为可用的或不正确的名称。所有这些都是非法的,不被使用,并且它们的类型已解决。