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A review of mammal eradications on Mediterranean islands
Mammal Review ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1111/mam.12190
Dario Capizzi 1

Impacts of alien invasive species on island communities and ecosystems may be even more detrimental than on the mainland. Therefore, since the 1950s, hundreds of restoration projects have been implemented worldwide, with the aim of controlling or eradicating alien species from islands. To date, no review has been focused on eradication on Mediterranean islands. To fill the gap, I reviewed the available information concerning mammal eradications so far carried out on Mediterranean islands, examining the details of several aspects of project implementation and monitoring. I obtained data for 139 attempted eradications on 107 Mediterranean islands in eight countries, with Greece, Italy, and Spain accounting for the highest number. Eradication projects targeted 13 mammal species. The black rat Rattus rattus was the target of over 75% of the known attempted eradications in the Mediterranean Basin; other species targeted were feral goat Capra hircus, house mouse Mus musculus, European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus, and domestic cat Felis catus. The most widely adopted technique was poisoning (77% of all eradications), followed by trapping (15%) and hunting (4%). However, techniques were largely target‐specific. The average failure rate was about 11%. However, this percentage varied according to the specific mammalian order, and eradications of Carnivora failed more often than those of other mammals. Among rodents, house mouse eradication attained a very high failure rate (75%). Reinvasion occurred after 15% of successful eradications. A better understanding of the motivations of animal rights activists may improve the chance of success when eradicating charismatic or domesticated species. Furthermore, it is crucial to collect data and case studies about reinvasions, in order to strengthen biosecurity programmes following eradication. As in other parts of the world, the next frontier in alien mammal management on Mediterranean islands concerns the eradication of invasive species from inhabited islands.



外来入侵物种对岛屿群落和生态系统的影响可能比对大陆的危害更大。因此,自 1950 年代以来,世界范围内实施了数百个修复项目,旨在控制或消除岛屿上的外来物种。迄今为止,没有任何审查侧重于消灭地中海岛屿。为了填补这一空白,我回顾了迄今为止在地中海岛屿上进行的哺乳动物灭绝的可用信息,检查了项目实施和监测的几个方面的细节。我在八个国家的 107 个地中海岛屿上获得了 139 次尝试根除的数据,其中希腊、意大利和西班牙的数量最多。根除项目针对 13 种哺乳动物。黑鼠 Rattus rattus 是地中海盆地 75% 以上的已知根除尝试的目标;其他目标物种是野山羊 Capra hircus、家鼠 Mus musculus、欧洲兔 Oryctolagus cuniculus 和家猫 Felis catus。最广泛采用的技术是中毒(占所有根除的 77%),其次是诱捕(15%)和狩猎(4%)。然而,技术主要是针对特定目标的。平均故障率约为 11%。然而,这个百分比因特定的哺乳动物顺序而异,食肉目的根除比其他哺乳动物更容易失败。在啮齿动物中,家鼠根除的失败率非常高(75%)。15% 的成功根除后发生再入侵。更好地了解动物权利活动家的动机可能会提高消灭有魅力或驯化物种的成功机会。此外,收集关于再次入侵的数据和案例研究至关重要,以加强根除后的生物安全计划。与世界其他地区一样,地中海岛屿外来哺乳动物管理的下一个前沿是从有人居住的岛屿根除入侵物种。