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Understanding the experience of compensatory and restorative memory rehabilitation: A qualitative study of stroke survivors
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2018-06-11 , DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2018.1479275
Toni D. Withiel 1, 2, 3 , Vanessa L. Sharp 1 , Dana Wong 1, 2, 4 , Jennie L. Ponsford 1, 2 , Narelle Warren 5 , Renerus J. Stolwyk 1, 2

ABSTRACT Memory impairment is common following stroke. Memory skills groups (MSGs) utilising compensatory strategies and computerised cognitive training (CCT) are two rehabilitation approaches available to improve memory function; however, there is no consensus as to which is more effective following stroke. This study aimed to explore and contrast the qualitative experiences of 20 stroke survivors (Mage = 61.90, SD = 10.48, range: 34–77 years) who received six weeks’ training in MSG (manualised memory skills group, n = 10) or individual-CCT (LumosityTM, n = 10). Using semi-structured interviews, data were collected and analysed thematically, adopting a critical realist approach. Six themes were identified: (1) Facilitators and barriers to intervention engagement, (2) Improving knowledge and understanding, (3) Connecting with others, (4) Perception of the intervention, (5) Impact on everyday memory and (6) Impact on emotions and sense of purpose. Encouragingly, most participants valued and enjoyed participating in the memory interventions, irrespective of rehabilitation approach. MSG participants reported learning and sharing with similar others as important to the experience and described everyday memory improvements. CCT participants described enjoyment of its game-like nature, yet reported frustration associated with game-specific characteristics, and did not report everyday memory improvements.



摘要 中风后记忆障碍很常见。利用补偿策略和计算机化认知训练 (CCT) 的记忆技能组 (MSG) 是两种可用于改善记忆功能的康复方法;然而,对于卒中后哪种更有效尚无共识。本研究旨在探讨和对比 20 名接受过 6 周 MSG(手动记忆技能组,n = 10)或个人训练的中风幸存者(Mage = 61.90,SD = 10.48,范围:34-77 岁)的定性体验-CCT(LumosityTM,n = 10)。使用半结构化访谈,数据被收集并按主题分析,采用批判现实主义的方法。确定了六个主题:(1) 干预参与的促进因素和障碍,(2) 提高知识和理解,(3) 与他人联系,(4) 干预的感知,(5) 对日常记忆的影响,以及 (6) 对情绪和目标感的影响。令人鼓舞的是,无论采用何种康复方法,大多数参与者都重视并喜欢参与记忆干预。MSG 参与者报告说,与类似的其他人学习和分享对体验很重要,并描述了日常记忆力的改善。CCT 参与者描述了其类似游戏性质的享受,但报告了与游戏特定特征相关的挫败感,并且没有报告日常记忆力的改善。MSG 参与者报告说,与类似的其他人一起学习和分享对体验很重要,并描述了日常记忆力的改善。CCT 参与者描述了其类似游戏性质的享受,但报告了与游戏特定特征相关的挫败感,并且没有报告日常记忆力的改善。MSG 参与者报告说,与类似的其他人一起学习和分享对体验很重要,并描述了日常记忆力的改善。CCT 参与者描述了其类似游戏性质的享受,但报告了与游戏特定特征相关的挫败感,并且没有报告日常记忆力的改善。