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Natural and anthropogenic controls on particulate metal(loid) deposition in Bolivian highland sediments, Lake Uru Uru (Bolivia)
The Holocene ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-18 , DOI: 10.1177/0959683619887425
Joseline Tapia 1 , Stéphane Audry 2 , Pieter van Beek 3

Mining in the Bolivian Altiplano is important and has historically provided much of the world’s Ag, Sn, and Sb. This study aims to better understand the effects of important recent increases in Bolivian mining on the deposition of metals and metalloids in sediment near Oruro, Bolivia’s fifth largest city, with special attention to natural and anthropogenic factors as well as early diagenesis, which could have broader implications in other high-elevation environments that have or will be affected by increased mining activities. To better assess the depositional trends of elements in sediments, five sedimentary cores collected in Lake Uru Uru and the Cala Cala Lagoon (nearby Oruro) were studied and analysis of the physicochemical variables coupled with radiometric dating indicate that (a) sediment deposited in Lake Uru Uru was likely sourced from local outcrops of Tertiary volcanics, Paleozoic shales, and ore and waste piles from mining activities material; (b) sedimentation rates in Lake Uru Uru were close to 3 mm·year−1, 1 mm higher than the ancient Tauca paleolake (~11,000–30,000 years ago); (c) early diagenetic effects have affected the distribution of Mn, As, and Cd in the sedimentary archive; and (d) the deposition of Ag, Sb, and Pb in the studied sediment has largely been related to historical trends in Bolivian Sn mining methods and production.



玻利维亚高原的采矿很重要,历史上提供了世界上大部分的银、锡和锑。本研究旨在更好地了解玻利维亚最近采矿业的重要增长对玻利维亚第五大城市奥鲁罗附近沉积物中金属和准金属沉积的影响,特别关注自然和人为因素以及早期成岩作用,这可能会产生更广泛的影响。对其他高海拔环境的影响,这些环境已经或将受到采矿活动增加的影响。为了更好地评估沉积物中元素的沉积趋势,研究了在乌鲁乌鲁湖和卡拉卡拉泻湖(奥鲁罗附近)收集的五个沉积岩心,对物理化学变量和放射性测年的分析表明 (a) 乌鲁乌鲁湖中沉积的沉积物可能来自当地的第三纪火山岩露头,古生代页岩,以及来自采矿活动材料的矿石和废料堆;(b) 乌鲁湖的沉积速率接近 3 mm·year−1,比古陶卡古湖(约 11,000-30,000 年前)高 1 mm;(c) 早期成岩作用影响了沉积档案中锰、砷和镉的分布;(d) Ag、Sb 和 Pb 在研究沉积物中的沉积在很大程度上与玻利维亚 Sn 开采方法和生产的历史趋势有关。来自采矿活动材料的矿石和废料堆;(b) 乌鲁湖的沉积速率接近 3 mm·year−1,比古陶卡古湖(约 11,000-30,000 年前)高 1 mm;(c) 早期成岩作用影响了沉积档案中锰、砷和镉的分布;(d) 所研究沉积物中 Ag、Sb 和 Pb 的沉积在很大程度上与玻利维亚 Sn 开采方法和生产的历史趋势有关。来自采矿活动材料的矿石和废料堆;(b) 乌鲁湖的沉积速率接近 3 mm·year−1,比古陶卡古湖(约 11,000-30,000 年前)高 1 mm;(c) 早期成岩作用影响了沉积档案中锰、砷和镉的分布;(d) 所研究沉积物中 Ag、Sb 和 Pb 的沉积在很大程度上与玻利维亚 Sn 开采方法和生产的历史趋势有关。