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Multi-source water characterisation for water supply and management strategies on a small Mediterranean island
Hydrogeology Journal ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s10040-020-02138-6
Sergio Cappucci , Maurizio De Cassan , Marcello Grillini , Marco Proposito , Augusto Screpanti

The small islands in the Mediterranean Sea suffer water shortages, aggravated by pressure from tourism during the dry season. Many are affected by the intense and increasing human water demand and the harsh climatic and geographic nature of the island terrain. The present study, carried out on the island of Favignana, Egadi Archipelago (southern Italy), evaluates the regime of recharge to the subsurface, and hypothesizes a solution for identifying the areas where groundwater is most abundant, as well as the best management options for human use. By means of hydrological measurements and chemical analyses, a specific location has been identified in the eastern sector of the island where groundwater has optimal quality and the water table is at a depth of only a few metres. In other areas of the island the groundwater is more saline, due to seawater intrusion, and it is present only at greater depths. The residents of the island have in the past lived harmoniously with the climatic and hydrological regime of the island, and have shown good ability to manage the groundwater resources, fed by the limited precipitation that comes in winter, using it as a supplement to the drinking water supply that comes from Trapani (mainland Sicily) by a submarine pipeline and by tanker. Optimized management of the groundwater resources could reduce the volume of freshwater transferred from the mainland.



在干旱季节,旅游业的压力加剧了地中海小岛的水资源短缺。许多人受到人类不断增加的水需求以及岛屿地形恶劣的气候和地理特性的影响。本研究是在Egadi Archipelago(意大利南部)的法维尼亚纳岛上进行的,评估了地下补给水的状况,并提出了一种确定地下水最丰富地区的解决方案,以及针对该地区的最佳管理方案。人类使用。通过水文测量和化学分析,已经确定了该岛东部地区的一个特定位置,那里的地下水质量最佳,地下水位只有几米。在岛上其他地区,地下水中盐分较多,由于海水入侵,它只存在于更深的地方。过去,岛上的居民与岛上的气候和水文状况和谐相处,并表现出良好的管理地下水资源的能力,冬季来临的降水有限,以此为基础补充饮用水特拉帕尼(西西里岛的内陆)通过海底管道和油轮提供的供水。优化管理地下水资源可以减少从大陆转移的淡水量。用它作为海底管道和油轮从特拉帕尼(西西里岛)提供的饮用水的补充。优化管理地下水资源可以减少从大陆转移的淡水量。用它作为海底管道和油轮从特拉帕尼(西西里岛内陆)来的饮用水的补充。优化管理地下水资源可以减少从大陆转移的淡水量。
