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Born’s Reciprocal Relativity theory, curved phase space, Finsler geometry and the cosmological constant
Annals of Physics ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aop.2020.168143
Carlos Castro Perelman

Abstract A very brief introduction of the history of Born’s Reciprocal Relativity Theory, Hopf algebraic deformations of the Poincare algebra, de Sitter algebra, and noncommutative spacetimes paves the road for the exploration of gravity in c u r v e d phase spaces within the context of the Finsler geometry of the cotangent bundle T ∗ M of spacetime. A scalar-gravity model is duly studied, and exact nontrivial analytical solutions for the metric and nonlinear connection are found that obey the generalized gravitational field equations, in addition to satisfying the z e r o torsion conditions for a l l of the torsion components. The c u r v e d base spacetime manifold and internal momentum space both turn out to be (Anti) de Sitter type. The most salient feature is that the solutions capture the very early inflationary and very-late-time de Sitter phases of the Universe. A r e g u l a r i z a t i o n of the 8-dim phase space action leads naturally to an extremely small effective cosmological constant Λ e f f , and which in turn, furnishes an extremely small value for the underlying four-dim spacetime cosmological constant Λ , as a direct result of a c o r r e l a t i o n between Λ e f f and Λ resulting from the field equations. The rich structure of Finsler geometry deserves to be explored further since it can shine some light into Quantum Gravity, and lead to interesting cosmological phenomenology.



摘要 对玻恩互易相对论、庞加莱代数的 Hopf 代数变形、德西特代数和非对易时空的历史的非常简短的介绍,为在芬斯勒几何学的背景下探索弯曲相空间中的引力铺平了道路。时空的余切丛 T ∗ M。对标量重力模型进行了适当的研究,除了满足所有扭转分量的零扭转条件外,还发现了度量和非线性连接的精确非平凡解析解,这些解满足广义引力场方程。弯曲的基时空流形和内动量空间都被证明是(反)德西特型的。最显着的特征是这些解决方案捕捉了宇宙的早期暴胀阶段和晚期德西特阶段。8-dim 相空间作用的正则化自然会导致一个极小的有效宇宙学常数 Λ eff ,反过来,它为潜在的 4-dim 时空宇宙学常数 Λ 提供一个极小的值,作为之间相关性的直接结果Λ eff 和Λ 由场方程得出。芬斯勒几何的丰富结构值得进一步探索,因为它可以为量子引力带来一些光,并导致有趣的宇宙现象学。作为由场方程产生的 Λ eff 和 Λ 之间的相关性的直接结果,为潜在的四维时空宇宙学常数 Λ 提供了一个极小的值。芬斯勒几何的丰富结构值得进一步探索,因为它可以为量子引力带来一些光,并导致有趣的宇宙现象学。作为由场方程产生的 Λ eff 和 Λ 之间的相关性的直接结果,为潜在的四维时空宇宙学常数 Λ 提供了一个极小的值。芬斯勒几何的丰富结构值得进一步探索,因为它可以为量子引力带来一些光,并导致有趣的宇宙现象学。