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Active deformation to the north of the Altyn Tagh Fault: Constraints on the northward growth of the northern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104312
Long Yun , Jin Zhang , Ju Wang , Xiaoping Yang , Junfeng Qu , Beihang Zhang , Heng Zhao

Abstract Sinistral transpressive deformation occurs in the region north of the Altyn Tagh fault due to the Indo-Eurasian collision. In this region, several late Cenozoic faults have developed, and the Sanweishan fault is the key feature with clear landforms. In this study, slip rate measurements combined with several dating methods imply that the Sanweishan fault has been active with sinistral strike-slip rates of 0.33 ± 0.04 mm/a since 14 ka BP and 0.28 ± 0.03 mm/a since 20 ka BP, which are more than an order of magnitude smaller than that of the ATF to the south. The horizontal displacements are 1.7–5.5 m in the eastern segment and 25.0–76.0 m in the middle and western segments of the Sanweishan fault. The increment of horizontal displacement along the main Sanweishan fault is 3.0–4.0 m between paleoearthquakes, and the magnitude of the latest paleoearthquake on the middle and eastern segments of the fault is up to M = 7.2–7.5. The whole length of the Sanweishan fault is ~360 km or longer, which include active faults in the Yangguan and Danghe Reservoirs in the west. More components of thrusting occur on the western and eastern segments of the Sanweishan fault. The growth of the Sanweishan fault is similar to that of the ATF, but the former fault is younger, and its slip rate is much smaller. The differential slip rates on the Sanweishan fault and ATF may result in the clockwise rotation and eastward movement of the intervening block, which compresses regions to the northeast.



摘要 阿尔金断裂以北地区因印欧碰撞发生左旋压压变形。该地区发育多条晚新生代断裂,以三尾山断裂为主要特征,地貌清晰。在本研究中,滑动速率测量结合多种测年方法表明,三尾山断裂活动自 14 ka BP 以来左旋走滑速率为 0.33 ± 0.04 mm/a,自 20 ka BP 以来为 0.28 ± 0.03 mm/a。比南部的 ATF 小一个数量级以上。三尾山断裂东段水平位移1.7~5.5 m,中、西段水平位移25.0~76.0 m。古地震之间沿三尾山主断层的水平位移增量为 3.0~4.0 m,断层中、东段最近一次古地震震级高达M=7.2~7.5。三尾山断裂全长约360公里,包括阳关和党河水库西部的活动断裂。三尾山断裂的西段和东段逆冲作用较多。三尾山断裂的发育与ATF相似,但前者更年轻,滑移率小得多。三尾山断层和ATF的不同滑动速率可能导致其间的块体顺时针旋转和向东移动,从而向东北压缩区域。其中包括西部阳关和党河水库的活动断裂。三尾山断裂的西段和东段逆冲作用较多。三尾山断裂的发育与ATF相似,但前者更年轻,滑移率小得多。三尾山断层和ATF的不同滑动速率可能导致其间的块体顺时针旋转和向东移动,从而向东北压缩区域。其中包括西部阳关和党河水库的活动断裂。三尾山断裂的西段和东段逆冲作用较多。三尾山断裂的发育与ATF相似,但前者更年轻,滑移率小得多。三尾山断层和ATF的不同滑动速率可能导致其间的块体顺时针旋转和向东移动,从而向东北压缩区域。