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Insights into the habitat of deep diving odontocetes around a canyon system in the northeast Atlantic ocean from a short multidisciplinary survey
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr.2020.103236
Patricia Breen , Enrico Pirotta , Louise Allcock , Ashley Bennison , Oliver Boisseau , Paul Bouch , Aisling Hearty , Mark Jessopp , Ailbhe Kavanagh , Morag Taite , Emer Rogan

Several species of deep-diving odontocetes, including beaked whales, sperm whales and pilot whales, are associated with steep continental slope habitat in the northeast Atlantic, where they feed on cephalopods and meso-bathypelagic fish. Some species such as sperm whales are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN red list, whilst many beaked whale species are listed as data deficient, therefore, understanding their habitat is key for their successful conservation. A six-day survey was carried out in November 2017 to characterise the habitat of deep-diving odontocete species in this region by sampling multiple aspects of the ecosystem, from oceanographic features through to prey and predator distributions. Sampling of odontocete occurrence was carried out using both visual and acoustic surveys, supported by ten stations that sampled conductivity, temperature, fluorescence and zooplankton; at five of these stations, fish and cephalopod communities were also sampled during dusk and dawn to a maximum depth of 356 m. Results showed that temperature, salinity, and fluorescence were stable throughout the study area. Zooplankton were dominated by copepods, fish were dominated by myctophids, whilst cephalopods were dominated by Todarodes sagittatus and two Histioteuthis spp. Pilot whales, sperm whales and Sowerby's beaked whales were detected both acoustically and visually, along with other delphinids in large numbers, providing evidence that the study covered rich foraging habitat for these species, especially along the 1000 m–2000 m deep continental slope.



几种深层潜水的齿形目科动物,包括喙鲸,抹香鲸和领航鲸,与东北大西洋的陡峭大陆坡生境有关,它们以头足类动物和中中上层鱼类为食。IUCN红色名录将某些物种(例如抹香鲸)列为易感物种,而许多喙喙物种被列为数据不足,因此,了解其栖息地是其成功保护的关键。2017年11月进行了为期六天的调查,通过对生态系统的各个方面(从海洋特征到猎物和捕食者的分布)进行采样,来对该地区深层潜水齿科动物的栖息地进行表征。使用视觉和听觉调查对牙本质发生进行采样,并由十个对电导率进行采样的站点进行支持,温度,荧光和浮游动物;在其中五个站,还在黄昏和黎明对鱼类和头足类群落进行了采样,最大深度为356 m。结果表明,在整个研究区域中温度,盐度和荧光均稳定。浮游动物以co足类动物为主,鱼类以线粒体为主,而头足类动物以by足类为主。Todarodes sagittatus和两个Histioteuthis spp。在听觉和视觉上都发现了领航鲸,抹香鲸和Sowerby的喙鲸,以及大量的其他翠雀,这提供了证据,证明该研究涵盖了这些物种的丰富觅食栖息地,尤其是在1000 m–2000 m深的大陆斜坡上。
