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When do values promote pro-environmental behaviors? Multilevel evidence on the self-expression hypothesis
Journal of Environmental Psychology ( IF 6.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-10-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2019.101361
Hoi-Wing Chan

Abstract Research has suggested that values favoring the interest of the collective over that of the individual promote pro-environmental behaviors. However, it is also well-documented that people do not always act according to their values; the strength of the association between values and behaviors depends on sociocultural contexts. The present investigation examines under what sociocultural contexts the association between self-transcendence values/self-enhancement values and pro-environmental behaviors would be stronger or weaker. In contexts with a stronger emphasis on self-expression, individuals should be more ready to base their behavioral decisions on personal values. In contexts that restrict self-expression, individuals should be less likely to do so. Accordingly, I posit that the strength of association between values and pro-environmental behaviors depends on how much the societal contexts encourage self-expression. With two international data sets (World Values Survey 5 and 6), I found supporting evidence to this hypothesized account. Findings from multilevel analyses revealed that the self-transcendence values/self-enhancement-pro-environmental behaviors association was weaker among societies with higher levels of cultural and socio-ecological restrictiveness (e.g., lower self-expression values and economic development). These findings not only elucidate when values would promote or deter pro-environmental behaviors but also highlight the need to consider a person-context interaction in understanding how personal factors are translated into pro-environmental behaviors.



摘要 研究表明,有利于集体利益而非个人利益的价值观会促进亲环境行为。然而,也有充分证据表明,人们并不总是按照自己的价值观行事。价值观和行为之间关联的强度取决于社会文化背景。目前的调查考察了在什么样的社会文化背景下,自我超越价值观/自我提升价值观与环保行为之间的关联会更强或更弱。在更加强调自我表达的情况下,个人应该更愿意根据个人价值观做出行为决定。在限制自我表达的环境中,个人应该不太可能这样做。因此,我认为价值观和环保行为之间的关联强度取决于社会环境对自我表达的鼓励程度。通过两个国际数据集(世界价值观调查 5 和 6),我找到了支持这个假设描述的证据。多层次分析的结果表明,在文化和社会生态限制程度较高的社会(例如,较低的自我表达价值观和经济发展)中,自我超越价值观/自我提升 - 亲环境行为关联较弱。这些发现不仅阐明了价值观何时会促进或阻止亲环境行为,而且还强调需要考虑人与环境的互动,以了解个人因素如何转化为亲环境行为。