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The trend of heatwave events in the Northern Hemisphere
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pce.2020.102855
Weiteng Qiu , Xiaodong Yan

Extreme high-temperature events have large societal and economic consequences. However, it is still unknown how the heatwave (HW) trend is distributed over the Northern Hemisphere. To investigate this trend, we calculated the trend of the HW and evaluated the disaster risk for the Northern Hemisphere by using the Global Historical Climatology Network Daily station datasets (GHCN-Daily) station datasets. The results indicate that Asia, North America, Europe, and North Africa have suffered relatively few heatwave events. However, the increasing disaster risk of the HW events should not be ignored. In eastern Asia, there exists a significant increasing trend of HW events in China (0.1 events/year), Japan (0.07 events/year), and South Korea (0.09 events/year). Europe and North America contain the largest number of stations, especially in the US. The Mid-South of the US and southern Mexico must prepare for the potential influence of extreme high-temperature events. Central Northern Europe may experience more HW events, especially in Germany and Sweden. There is not an obvious trend of increasing extreme high-temperature events in France. The trend of HW events in North Africa is negative, although the number of stations is limited. Therefore, whether the hazards in North Africa decrease is still unclear. Furthermore, how to unify an indicator to evaluate the disaster risk is worth further study.
