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The Renchen L5-6 chondrite breccia – The first confirmed meteorite fall from Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
Geochemistry ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.chemer.2019.07.007
Addi Bischoff , Jean-Alix Barrat , Jasper Berndt , Jiri Borovicka , Christoph Burkhardt , Henner Busemann , Janina Hakenmüller , Dieter Heinlein , Jasmine Hertzog , Jozef Kaiser , Colin Maden , Matthias M.M. Meier , Précillia Morino , Andreas Pack , Markus Patzek , Maximilian P. Reitze , Miriam Rüfenacht , Philippe Schmitt-Kopplin , Maria Schönbächler , Pavel Spurný , Iris Weber , Karl Wimmer , Tomas Zikmund

On July 10, 2018 at 21:29 UT extended areas of South-Western Germany were illuminated by a very bright bolide. This fireball was recorded by instruments of the European Fireball Network (EN). The records enabled complex and precise description of this event including the prediction of the impact area. So far six meteorites totaling about 1.23 kg have been found in the predicted location for a given mass during dedicated searches. The first piece of about 12 g was recovered on July 24 close to the village of Renchen (Baden-Württemberg) followed by the largest fragment of 955 g on July 31 about five km north-west of Renchen.

Renchen is a moderately-shocked (S4) breccia consisting of abundant highly recrystallized rock fragments as well as impact melt rock clasts. The texture, the large grain size of plagioclase, and the homogeneous compositions of olivine (∼Fa26) and pyroxene (∼Fs22) clearly indicate that Renchen is composed of metamorphosed rock fragments (L5–6). An L-group (and ordinary chondrite) heritage is consistent with the data on the model abundance of metal, the density, the magnetic susceptibility as well as on O-, Ti-, and Cr-isotope characteristics. Renchen does not contain solar wind implanted noble gases and is a fragmental breccia. An unusually large mm-sized merrillite-apatite aggregate shows trace element characteristics like other phosphates from ordinary chondrites.

Data on the bulk chemistry, IR-spectroscopy, cosmogenic nuclides, and organic components also indicate similarities to other metamorphosed L chondrites. Noble gas studies reveal that the meteorite has a cosmic ray exposure (CRE) age of 42 Ma and that most of the cosmogenic gases were produced in a meteoroid with a radius of at max. 20 cm based on the radionuclide 26Al and 10–150 cm based on cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne. K-Ar and U/Th-He gas retention ages are both in the range ∼3.0–3.2 Ga. Both systems do not show evidence for a complete reset 470 Ma ago, and may instead have recorded the same resetting event 3.0 Ga ago.


Renchen L5-6球陨石角砾岩–首次确认的陨石从德国巴登-符腾堡州落下

在2018年7月10日21:29 UT西南德国扩展区被非常明亮的硼化物照亮。该火球是由欧洲火球网络(EN)的仪器记录的。记录使得能够对事件进行复杂而精确的描述,包括对影响区域的预测。到目前为止,在专门搜索过程中,对于给定质量,在预测位置发现了六块陨石,总计约1.23千克。第一块约12 g的碎片于7月24日在Renchen村(巴登-符腾堡州)附近被发现,随后于7月31日在Renchen西北约五公里处发现了最大碎片955 g。

人辰是中度震荡(S4)的角砾岩,由大量高度重结晶的岩石碎屑和冲击熔岩碎屑组成。质地,斜长石的大晶粒尺寸以及橄榄石(〜Fa 26)和辉石(〜Fs 22)的均质组成清楚地表明,仁臣是由变质的岩石碎片组成的(L5-6)。L-族(和普通球粒陨石)的遗产与金属模型丰度,密度,磁化率以及O-,Ti-和Cr同位素特征的数据一致。人辰不包含注入太阳风的稀有气体,是破碎的角砾岩。异常大的毫米大小的磷灰石-磷灰石聚集体具有微量元素特征,就像普通球粒陨石中的其他磷酸盐一样。

大量化学,红外光谱,宇宙核素和有机成分的数据也表明与其他变质的L球粒陨石相似。稀有气体研究表明,陨石的宇宙射线暴露(CRE)年龄为42 Ma,并且大多数宇宙产生气体是在半径为max的流星体中产生的。20厘米基于放射性核素26 Al,10-150厘米基于宇宙成因22 Ne / 21 Ne。K-Ar和U / Th-He的气体保留年龄都在约3.0-3.2 Ga范围内。这两个系统都没有显示出470 Ma以前完全复位的证据,而是可能记录了3.0 Ga之前的相同复位事件。
