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The flexibility deployment of the service sector - A demand response modelling approach coupled with evidence from a market research survey
Energy Strategy Reviews ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.esr.2020.100460
Katharina Wohlfarth , Anna-Lena Klingler , Wolfgang Eichhammer

The flexible use of energy is seen as a key option to facilitate the integration of volatile renewable energy sources (RES) into the electricity sector. In this study, we focus on flexibility in the service sector, in terms of flexible technologies, experiences and willingness to participate in demand response (DR) actions. We analyse the technically possible future deployment of flexibility, the practically possible deployment of flexibility and also take the reduction of RES surplus electricity into account. Our results are based on survey data from over 1.500 service sector companies (offices, trade, hospitality) and modelling results with a time resolved DR model (eLOAD). The data show that service sector companies have few experiences in DR so far, which is among others caused by the unfavourable regulatory conditions to participate in flexibility markets. The currently most common forms of DR are load shedding and flexible tariffs and optimized purchase of electricity. Participation in DR varies between subsectors and company sizes, but on average all subsectors are interested in extending (automated) DR measures in the future. Our projections result in a possible technical deployment of flexible electricity of 7.74 TWh of which about 510 GWh can be used to reduce renewable surplus electricity (in case of a 50% RES share). In case of a 80% RES share, this can reach 1.63 TWh. Integrating the willingness of companies to participate in DR, the practical possible deployment results in 131 GWh reduction of renewable surplus electricity. This can be interpreted as a first-mover potential for DR. Future increased need for flexible demand could raise the profit for the companies and their willingness in participating in DR. Further analyses on most promising target groups of companies would help to tap the potentials and to create market offers as well as policies to incentivise participation.



灵活使用能源被视为促进将挥发性可再生能源(RES)整合到电力部门的关键选择。在这项研究中,我们专注于服务领域的灵活性,包括灵活的技术,经验和参与需求响应(DR)行动的意愿。我们分析了灵活性在技术上未来可能的部署,灵活性在实际上可能的部署,还考虑了RES剩余电量的减少。我们的结果基于来自1.500多家服务行业公司(办公室,贸易,招待)的调查数据,并使用时间分辨的DR模型(eLOAD)对结果进行建模。数据显示,到目前为止,服务行业的公司在灾难恢复方面经验很少,这尤其是由于参与灵活市场的监管条件不佳造成的。当前最常见的灾难恢复形式是减载和灵活的电价以及优化的购电。在子行业和公司规模中,参与灾难恢复的程度各不相同,但平均而言,所有子行业都对将来扩展(自动)灾难恢复措施感兴趣。我们的预测将导致7.74 TWh的柔性电力技术部署成为可能,其中约510 GWh可用于减少可再生的剩余电力(在RES占50%的情况下)。如果RES份额为80%,则可以达到1.63 TWh。结合公司参与灾难恢复的意愿,实际可行的部署导致可再生剩余电力减少131 GWh。这可以解释为灾难恢复的先发优势。未来对灵活需求的需求增加可能会提高公司的利润以及他们参与灾难恢复的意愿。对最有希望的目标公司群体进行进一步分析将有助于发掘潜力,创造市场报价以及激励参与的政策。
