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Multi Attribute Auction Based Incentivized Solution Against DDoS Attacks
Computers & Security ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2020.101763
Amrita Dahiya , B.B. Gupta

Abstract Complexity and severity of DDoS attacks is increasing day by day. Internet has highly inconsistent structure in terms of resource distribution. Numerous technical solutions are present in this domain but solutions considering economic aspects have not been given attention. Therefore, in this paper, a multi attribute based auction mechanism to mitigate DDoS attacks has been proposed. A reputation based detection mechanism has been proposed where reputation of a user is assessed through his marginal utility. Along with detection mechanism, two payment mechanisms have been proposed for legitimate and malicious users separately. A greedy resource allocation is devised to allocate resources fairly among the legitimate users. Malicious users who manipulate their bid to acquire maximum share of limited resources are charged with penalty according to differential payment scheme. Since, this is a generalized concept to mitigate DDoS attacks on any platform, we have taken our case study on cloud computing. So, simulations have been carried out on CloudSim. Results obtained from simulations clearly showed that proposed approach performs better than existing DDoS attack mitigation techniques.


基于多属性拍卖的针对 DDoS 攻击的激励解决方案

摘要 DDoS 攻击的复杂性和严重性日益增加。互联网在资源分布方面具有高度不一致的结构。该领域存在许多技术解决方案,但考虑到经济方面的解决方案尚未得到重视。因此,本文提出了一种基于多属性的拍卖机制来缓解 DDoS 攻击。已经提出了一种基于声誉的检测机制,其中通过用户的边际效用来评估用户的声誉。除了检测机制外,还分别为合法和恶意用户提出了两种支付机制。贪婪的资源分配被设计为在合法用户之间公平地分配资源。操纵出价以获取有限资源的最大份额的恶意用户将根据差异支付方案受到处罚。由于这是缓解任何平台上的 DDoS 攻击的通用概念,因此我们对云计算进行了案例研究。因此,已经在 CloudSim 上进行了模拟。从模拟中获得的结果清楚地表明,所提出的方法比现有的 DDoS 攻击缓解技术表现更好。