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Scaling reliable electricity access in India: A public-private partnership model
Energy for Sustainable Development ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.esd.2020.01.006
Gireesh Shrimali , Vivek Sen

Abstract In this paper, we have examined scaling reliable electricity access in India from two perspectives. First, given past policies, we examine the ability of mini grids to achieve profitability at the unit level as well as potential for scaling. We find that many mini grid developers have shown profitable unit economics and are getting ready to scale; however, they face increased challenges given India's success with 100% electrification. Second, given the experience gained by mini grid operators, we explore collaborative business models that would allow for win-win situations going forward for both distribution utilities and private operators. We use a modification of the existing distribution franchisee model to allow the mini grids operations to manage not only metering and billing but also operation and maintenance as well as generation. We show that it is possible to create business models that not only are appealing from a financial perspective – i.e., in not only improving distribution utility margins but also in meeting private operator criteria of 12% internal rate of return – but also meet multiple policy objectives such as provision of 24-hour electricity reliably and meeting renewable power obligations. However, we also show that the eventual success of these models would critically depend on the distribution utilities and mini grid operators agreeing on elements of these business models, in particular equitable sharing of roles and responsibilities around generation, distribution, operations and maintenance, metering and billing, as well as financial value.



摘要 在本文中,我们从两个角度研究了在印度扩大可靠的电力供应。首先,鉴于过去的政策,我们检查了微型电网在单位层面实现盈利的能力以及扩展潜力。我们发现,许多微型电网开发商已经显示出可盈利的单位经济效益,并准备扩大规模;然而,鉴于印度 100% 电气化的成功,他们面临更多挑战。其次,鉴于微型电网运营商获得的经验,我们探索了协作商业模式,以实现配电公用事业和私人运营商的双赢局面。我们对现有的配电加盟商模式进行了修改,使迷你电网运营不仅可以管理计量和计费,还可以管理运营和维护以及发电。我们表明,可以创建不仅从财务角度来看有吸引力的商业模式——即,不仅在提高配电效用利润率方面,而且在满足 12% 内部收益率的私人运营商标准方面——而且还满足多个政策目标例如可靠地提供 24 小时电力和履行可再生能源义务。然而,我们还表明,这些模式的最终成功将在很大程度上取决于配电公用事业公司和小型电网运营商就这些商业模式的要素达成一致,特别是围绕发电公平分担角色和责任,