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Initial Responses in Growth, Production, and Regeneration following Selection Cuttings in Hardwood-Dominated Temperate Rainforests in Chile
Forests ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: 10.3390/f11040412
Pablo J. Donoso , Patricio F. Ojeda , Florian Schnabel , Ralph D. Nyland

Hardwood-dominated forests in south-central Chile have shade-tolerant and mid-tolerant tree species capable of regenerating and growing well in partial shade. To test the potential for using an uneven-aged silviculture in these forests, we established single-tree selection treatments at two mid-elevation sites within the Evergreen forest type in the Coastal range (Llancahue and Los Riscos, 40–42° S Lat). They had an average initial basal area of 70–80 m2 ha−1. In each stand, we established four 2000 m2 plots with a residual basal area of ~40 m2 ha−1, and four with a residual basal area of ~60 m2 ha−1. We planned for a maximum residual diameter of 80 cm, but needed to leave 20%–25% of the residual basal area in larger trees due to their great abundance in these old-growth forests. We re-measured these plots 5–6 years after the cuttings. We used mixed-effects models to evaluate the periodic annual increment (pai) in diameter and the abundance of tree regeneration, and linear models to evaluate ingrowth and changes in the basal area and volume. At Llancahue, the diameter pai of individual trees was significantly greater in the treatment with lower residual densities, especially for mid-tolerant species in lower diameter classes (5–20 cm). At both sites, the pai in the stand basal area and volume was greater in the more heavily stocked treatment, but differences were significant only at Llancahue. Regeneration was dominated by shade-tolerant species at both sites but was more abundant and more diverse at Llancahue. Taller tree regeneration (50–<200 cm) significantly increased after the cuttings at both sites, while small regeneration (5–<50 cm) overall remained at pre-cut levels. This pattern was similar for mid- and shade-tolerant species. However, we found no differences in regeneration responses between the lower and higher levels of the residual basal area. Sapling densities did not differ at both sites for shade-tolerant species, but for mid-tolerant species these were more abundant at Los Riscos. While both sites had many similar trends after implementing selection cuts (a greater individual growth in the treatment with lower basal areas but a higher stand-level growth in the treatment with a high basal area, more abundant regeneration of shade-tolerant species, etc.), they illustrate a differential potential for implementing uneven-aged silviculture, especially due to site-species interactions. These results are a first step towards evaluating the prospects for selection cuttings in these experiments and elsewhere in Valdivian temperate rainforests.



智利中南部以阔叶木为主的森林具有耐荫性和中耐性的树种,能够在部分树荫下再生并生长良好。为了测试在这些森林中使用年龄不等的造林技术的潜力,我们在沿海地区常绿森林类型(Llancahue和Los Riscos,南纬40-42°)内的两个中高程地点建立了单树选择处理。他们的平均初始基础面积为70–80 m 2 ha -1。在每个林分中,我们建立了四个2000 m 2的样地,剩余基础面积为〜40 m 2 ha -1,另外四个样地的基础面积为〜60 m 2 ha -1。我们计划最大残留直径为80厘米,但由于这些老龄林中的树木丰富,因此需要在较大树木中留出20%–25%的残留基础面积。我们在切割后的5-6年重新测量了这些地块。我们使用混合效应模型来评估直径的周期性年度增量(pai)和树木再生的丰度,并使用线性模型来评估向内生长以及基础面积和体积的变化。在Llancahue,直径PAI个别树木的是与较低的残余密度的治疗显著更大,特别是对于在较低的直径类(5-20厘米)中间耐受性物种。在这两个网站中,PAI贮藏量大的林分基础面积中的体积和体积更大,但仅在Llancahue有显着差异。在这两个地方,再生都是以耐荫物种主导的,但在兰卡胡(Llancahue),再生更为丰富和多样。在两个地点的s插后,较高的树木再生(50– <200 cm)显着增加,而总体较小的再生(5– <50 cm)总体保持在采伐前的水平。对于中耐荫的物种,这种模式是相似的。但是,我们发现较低和较高水平的残留基础区域之间在再生响应方面没有差异。耐荫树种的两个地方的树苗密度没有差异,但是对于中耐性树种,Los Riscos的树苗密度更为丰富。虽然在实施选择削减后两个地点都有许多相似的趋势(在较低基础面积的处理中个体生长较大,但在较高基础面积的处理中林分生长较高,耐荫树种再生更丰富等)。 ),它们说明了实施年龄不等的造林的不同潜力,尤其是由于地点与物种之间的相互作用所致。这些结果是评估这些实验以及瓦尔迪夫温带雨林其他地方选择selection插前景的第一步。尤其是由于物种间的相互作用。这些结果是评估这些实验以及瓦尔迪夫温带雨林其他地方选择selection插前景的第一步。尤其是由于物种间的相互作用。这些结果是评估这些实验以及瓦尔迪夫温带雨林其他地方选择selection插前景的第一步。