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Phosphorus Fertilizers From Sewage Sludge Ash and Animal Blood Have No Effect on Earthworms
Agronomy ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: 10.3390/agronomy10040525
Magdalena Jastrzębska , Marta K. Kostrzewska , Kinga Treder

Soil invertebrates are crucial for agroecosystem functioning yet sensitive to agricultural practices, including fertilization. Considering the postulates of circular phosphorus economy, the use of fertilizers from secondary raw materials is likely to return and increase and may even become obligatory. The effects of recycled fertilizers on soil fauna communities, however, remain poorly understood. In this paper, the effect of phosphorus fertilizer (RecF) and biofertilizer (RecB) from sewage sludge ash and dried animal (porcine) blood on earthworm’s occurrence in soil is discussed. RecB is RecF activated by phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria, Bacillus megaterium. Waste-based fertilizers were assessed in field experiments against commercial superphosphate and no P fertilization. Three levels of P doses were established (17.6, 26.4, and 35.2 kg P ha−1). Earthworms were collected after the test crop harvest (spring or winter wheat). In the experiments two earthworm species, Aporrectodea caliginosa and Aporrectodea rosea, were identified. A large proportion of juvenile individuals were recorded in 2017. The recycled fertilizers used in the experiments used in recommended doses, similarly to superphosphate, did not alter the density, biomass, species composition, and structure of earthworms. Further long-term field research is recommended.



土壤无脊椎动物对于农业生态系统的功能至关重要,但对包括施肥在内的农业实践也很敏感。考虑到循环磷经济的假设,从次要原料中使用肥料很可能会增加并增加,甚至有必要。然而,对肥料循环利用对土壤动物群落的影响仍然知之甚少。本文讨论了污水污泥灰分和干动物(猪)血中的磷肥(RecF)和生物肥(RecB)对earth在土壤中发生的影响。RecB是由磷增溶细菌巨大芽孢杆菌Bacillus megaterium)激活的RecF 在田间实验中评估了基于废肥料的过磷酸氢盐和无磷肥的肥料。确定了三个水平的P剂量(17.6、26.4和35.2 kg P ha -1)。试验作物收获后(春季或冬季小麦)收集worm。在实验中,鉴定了两个earth种,即加纳线虫玫瑰花线虫。2017年记录了很大比例的未成年个体。与过磷酸钙相似,实验中使用的推荐剂量(与过磷酸钙类似)中使用的再生肥料未改变of的密度,生物量,物种组成和结构。建议进行进一步的长期现场研究。