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Determinants of adoption and disadoption of cage tilapia farming in southern Ghana
Aquaculture ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2020.735325
Vida Mantey , John Mburu , Chepchumba Chumo

Abstract Ghana's national annual fish deficit was 550,000 tons in 2018 leading to persistent increase in fish importation. However, capture fisheries have been declining over the years. Adoption of Aquaculture technologies has the potential to improve fish productivity, but the decision to adopt new technologies by fish farmers is rather complex and influenced by factors including socioeconomic and institutional factors. The introduction of cage fish farming on the Lake Volta is a means of improving fish productivity. However, low adoption and disadoption of the technology raises reservation about its appropriateness, especially among smallholder farmers. This study therefore analysed determinants of adoption and disadoption of cage tilapia aquaculture. The study was conducted in Eastern and Greater Accra regions of Ghana. Three districts and 11 communities along the Lake Volta known for cage fish farming were selected. Multistage sampling was used to select 206 respondents. Data was obtained through face to face interview with semi-structured questionnaires. The Heckprobit model was employed to identify determinants of adoption and disadoption of cage tilapia aquaculture. The selection equation of the Heckprobit results revealed that access to credit, policy information and extension services increased the likelihood of adopting cage tilapia aquaculture. On the other hand, the outcome equation results showed that age of the respondent and distance from the Lake Volta positively correlated with disadoption of cage tilapia farming. Further, market price of tilapia, membership of farmer groups and high cost of fingerlings reduced the likelihood of disadopting cage tilapia farming. The study recommends supporting policies leading to input reduction and training of fish farmers. Enhancement of access to aquaculture policy information is required to improve adoption of cage tilapia aquaculture. Improvement in the extension services is required to enhance the capacity of extension programs to efficiently support fish farmers. Fish farmers should be encouraged to form farmer associations to facilitate access to information and credit facilities.



摘要 加纳 2018 年全国年度鱼类赤字为 55 万吨,导致鱼类进口量持续增加。然而,捕捞渔业多年来一直在下降。采用水产养殖技术具有提高鱼类生产力的潜力,但养鱼户采用新技术的决定相当复杂,并受社会经济和体制因素等因素的影响。在沃尔特湖引进网箱养鱼是提高鱼类生产力的一种手段。然而,该技术的低采用率和不接受度引起了对其适用性的保留,尤其是在小农中。因此,本研究分析了采用和不采用网箱罗非鱼养殖的决定因素。该研究在加纳东部和大阿克拉地区进行。选择了以网箱养鱼闻名的沃尔特湖沿岸的三个地区和 11 个社区。多阶段抽样用于选择 206 名受访者。数据是通过面对面访谈和半结构化问卷获得的。Heckprobit 模型用于确定采用和不采用网箱罗非鱼养殖的决定因素。Heckprobit 结果的选择方程显示,获得信贷、政策信息和推广服务增加了采用网箱罗非鱼养殖的可能性。另一方面,结果方程结果表明,受访者的年龄和距沃尔特湖的距离与不采用网箱罗非鱼养殖呈正相关。此外,罗非鱼的市场价格,农民团体的成员资格和鱼种的高成本降低了不采用网箱罗非鱼养殖的可能性。该研究建议支持政策导致减少投入和培训养鱼者。需要加强对水产养殖政策信息的获取,以提高网箱罗非鱼养殖的采用率。需要改进推广服务,以提高推广计划有效支持养鱼户的能力。应鼓励养鱼户组建农民协会,以促进获取信息和信贷设施。需要改进推广服务,以提高推广计划有效支持养鱼户的能力。应鼓励养鱼者成立农民协会,以促进获取信息和信贷设施。需要改进推广服务,以提高推广计划有效支持养鱼户的能力。应鼓励养鱼者成立农民协会,以促进获取信息和信贷设施。