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Applying metabolomics to detect growth hormone administration in athletes: Proof of concept.
Drug Testing and Analysis ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-19 , DOI: 10.1002/dta.2798
Luca Narduzzi 1 , Gaud Dervilly 1 , Alexandre Marchand 2 , Michel Audran 2 , Bruno Le Bizec 1 , Corinne Buisson 2

Growth hormone (GH), an endogenous peptide regulating anabolism and lipolysis in humans, is known to be abused by athletes to improve their performance. Despite the development of two distinct screening methods, few positive cases have been reported by the antidoping authorities, probably due to the quick turnover of GH and the masking effects of age, ethnicity, and sex. Apart from growth regulation, GH is known to affect several metabolic pathways in humans including ketosis, amino‐acid uptake, and protein breakdown. It is reasonable to imagine observing its markers of effects through the leading tool on metabolism study, metabolomics. In this proof‐of‐concept study, a cohort of well‐trained volunteers was split in two equal groups and administered with micro‐doses of EPO or EPO + GH every second day for 2 weeks. Urine and plasma samples were collected before, during, and after treatment and analyzed using metabolomics and lipidomics approaches. The results show that, by applying a direct discriminant analysis on the treated groups, it is possible to distinguish the treatments, and to use this difference to classify them correctly. High intragroup variability is observed, due to the subject‐specific effect of the hormones. Through time 0 centering the data, a longitudinally tracking of the group was performed and a higher difference was observed between the groups, including a perfect classification of the samples before and after the treatments.



生长激素(GH)是调节人体内合成代谢和脂肪分解的内源性肽,已知会被运动员滥用以提高其表现。尽管开发了两种不同的筛查方法,但反兴奋剂当局报告的阳性病例很少,这可能是由于GH的快速更新以及年龄,种族和性别的掩盖效应所致。除了生长调节外,GH还影响人类的几种代谢途径,包括酮症,氨基酸摄取和蛋白质分解。可以想象通过代谢研究的主要工具代谢组学观察其作用标记。在这项概念验证研究中,一组训练有素的志愿者被分成两个相等的组,并每两天一次服用微剂量的EPO或EPO + GH,持续2周。在治疗之前,期间和之后收集尿液和血浆样品,并使用代谢组学和脂质组学方法进行分析。结果表明,通过对治疗组进行直接判别分析,可以区分治疗方法,并利用这种差异对治疗方法进行正确分类。由于激素的受试者特异性作用,观察到较高的组内变异性。通过以数据为中心的时间0,对组进行了纵向跟踪,并且在组之间观察到更高的差异,包括在处理之前和之后对样品进行了完美分类。可以区分治疗方法,并利用这种差异对它们进行正确分类。由于激素的受试者特异性作用,观察到较高的组内变异性。通过以数据为中心的时间0,对组进行了纵向跟踪,并且在组之间观察到更高的差异,包括在处理之前和之后对样品进行了完美分类。可以区分治疗方法,并利用这种差异对它们进行正确分类。由于激素的受试者特异性作用,观察到较高的组内变异性。通过以数据为中心的时间0,对组进行了纵向跟踪,并且在组之间观察到更高的差异,包括在处理之前和之后对样品进行了完美分类。