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Displacement of springs and changes in groundwater flow regime due to the extreme drop in adjacent lake levels: The Dead Sea rift
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124928
Yehuda Levy , Avihu Burg , Yoseph Yechieli , Haim Gvirtzman

Abstract Lake-level fluctuations brought on by climatic changes and anthropogenic factors may affect the flow regime in adjacent aquifers that discharge toward those lakes. Such fluctuations may also cause displacement of springs that discharge these aquifers. Using a calibrated numerical model, an extreme example of such phenomenon is observed in the Dead Sea rift valley and the adjacent Eastern Mountain Aquifer of the Judea and Samaria Mountains. Lake levels along the Dead Sea rift have changed dramatically and rapidly by hundreds of meters, followed by changes in the lake areas by hundreds of square kilometers. Simultaneously, the aquifer exhibited spring displacements, both on large and small scales. Currently, 50% of the aquifer water discharge in the Zuqim zone, and 10% north of the Dead Sea. But in the past, only 30% discharged at Zuqim and 40% north of the Dead Sea. There is evidence for such an occurrence in the past, and it is likely to recur in the future, based on the predicted progressive decline of the current Dead Sea level. This may have an impact on wetland habitats along the coast.



摘要 气候变化和人为因素引起的湖泊水位波动可能会影响向这些湖泊排放的相邻含水层的水流状态。这种波动也可能导致排放这些含水层的泉水发生位移。使用校准的数值模型,在死海裂谷和邻近的犹太和撒玛利亚山脉东部山区含水层中观察到这种现象的一个极端例子。死海裂谷沿线的湖泊水位发生了数百米的急剧变化,随后湖泊面积发生了数百平方公里的变化。同时,含水层表现出大尺度和小尺度的弹簧位移。目前,50% 的含水层水排放在 Zuqim 地区,10% 的水排放在死海以北。但在过去,只有 30% 在 Zuqim 排放,40% 在死海以北排放。有证据表明过去曾发生过此类事件,并且根据对当前死海平面的逐渐下降的预测,这种情况在未来很可能会再次发生。这可能会对沿海湿地栖息地产生影响。