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Correctness Checking for BPMN Collaborations with Sub-Processes
Journal of Systems and Software ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2020.110594
Flavio Corradini , Andrea Morichetta , Andrea Polini , Barbara Re , Lorenzo Rossi , Francesco Tiezzi

Abstract BPMN collaboration models are commonly used to describe the behaviour and interactions of processes in an inter-organisational context. An important role in this kind of models is played both by the message flow, and by sub-processes. The interplay between these features of BPMN models can conceal subtle or unexpected effects, which makes the design activity error-prone, thus leading to the possible inclusion of incorrect behaviour. In this paper, we face this problem by providing a framework for checking the correctness of BPMN models. In particular we are interested on collaboration models that include message exchange and/or sub-processes, and with a special focus on properties well-established in the business process domain, namely safeness and soundness. To enable such a verification, we have (i) defined an operational semantics for BPMN collaborations, (ii) formalised safeness and soundness properties, and a new relaxed version of soundness for detecting situations where asynchronous messages are not handled correctly by the receiver, (iii) applied the related checks on state-space representations (i.e., labelled transition systems) of collaborations, and (iv) implemented the overall formal framework that has been also integrated in the Camunda modelling environment. The resulting verification framework and tool, named S 3 , have been validated in relation to its effectiveness, efficiency and usability, both by using models available on a publicly accessible repository, and by carrying out experiments with a group of designers.


使用子流程检查 BPMN 协作的正确性

摘要 BPMN 协作模型通常用于描述组织间环境中流程的行为和交互。在这种模型中,消息流和子流程都扮演着重要的角色。BPMN 模型的这些特征之间的相互作用可以隐藏微妙或意外的影响,这使得设计活动容易出错,从而导致可能包含不正确的行为。在本文中,我们通过提供一个用于检查 BPMN 模型正确性的框架来解决这个问题。特别是我们对包含消息交换和/或子流程的协作模型感兴趣,并特别关注在业务流程领域中建立起来的属性,即安全性和稳健性。要启用此类验证,我们已经 (i) 定义了 BPMN 协作的操作语义,(ii) 形式化的安全性和稳健性属性,以及用于检测接收方未正确处理异步消息的情况的新的稳健性宽松版本,(iii) 应用相关检查关于协作的状态空间表示(即标记的转换系统),以及 (iv) 实施了也已集成到 Camunda 建模环境中的整体正式框架。由此产生的验证框架和工具,名为 S 3 ,已通过使用可公开访问的存储库中可用的模型以及与一组设计人员进行实验,在有效性、效率和可用性方面得到验证。以及用于检测接收器未正确处理异步消息的情况的新的宽松版本的健全性,(iii)对协作的状态空间表示(即标记的转换系统)应用相关检查,以及(iv)实现整体正式框架也已集成到 Camunda 建模环境中。由此产生的验证框架和工具,名为 S 3 ,已通过使用可公开访问的存储库中可用的模型以及与一组设计人员进行实验,在有效性、效率和可用性方面得到验证。以及用于检测接收器未正确处理异步消息的情况的新的宽松版本的健全性,(iii)对协作的状态空间表示(即标记的转换系统)应用相关检查,以及(iv)实现整体正式框架也已集成到 Camunda 建模环境中。由此产生的验证框架和工具,名为 S 3 ,已通过使用可公开访问的存储库中可用的模型以及与一组设计人员进行实验,在有效性、效率和可用性方面得到验证。标记的转换系统)协作,以及 (iv) 实施了也已集成到 Camunda 建模环境中的整体正式框架。由此产生的验证框架和工具,名为 S 3 ,已通过使用可公开访问的存储库中可用的模型以及与一组设计人员进行实验,在有效性、效率和可用性方面得到验证。标记的转换系统)协作,以及 (iv) 实施了也已集成到 Camunda 建模环境中的整体正式框架。由此产生的验证框架和工具,名为 S 3 ,已通过使用可公开访问的存储库中可用的模型以及与一组设计人员进行实验,在有效性、效率和可用性方面得到验证。