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CLASH WRIST -- A hardware to increase the capability of CLASH fruit gripper to use environment constraints exploration
arXiv - CS - Robotics Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: arxiv-2004.00880
Werner Friedl and Maximo A. Roa

Humans use environmental constraints (EC) in manipulation to compensate for uncertainties in their world model. The same principle was recently applied to robotics, so that soft underactuated hands improve their grasping capability by using environmental constraints exploitation (ECE) [1]. Due to orientation of the robotic hand for example in the EC wall grasp, the length of the robot wrist plus the hand length gets quite important, if objects are grasp out of a box [2] . Most of the modern cobots have quite long wrist, so we have constructed a two degree of freedom wrist for the CLASH [3], to solve this problem (Fig. 1).


CLASH WRIST -- 一种提高 CLASH 水果抓手使用环境约束探索能力的硬件

人类在操作中使用环境约束 (EC) 来补偿其世界模型中的不确定性。最近将相同的原理应用于机器人技术,因此软欠驱动手通过使用环境约束开发 (ECE) [1] 来提高其抓取能力。由于机器人手的方向,例如在 EC 墙壁抓取中,如果从盒子中抓取物体,机器人手腕的长度加上手的长度就变得非常重要 [2]。大多数现代协作机器人的手腕都相当长,因此我们为 CLASH [3] 构建了一个二自由度的手腕来解决这个问题(图 1)。