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Finally, a promising model for high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE)-A Mountaineers' Malady.
Acta Physiologica ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-03 , DOI: 10.1111/apha.13472
Mikko Nikinmaa 1

When low‐altitude people rapidly ascend to altitudes above 2500 m, they run a risk of developing high‐altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE).1 The first scientific report in an English‐written journal was published in 1960,2 and still in 1975 the article by Kleiner and Nelson in JAMA had a title: High‐altitude pulmonary edema: A rare disease?3 However, as tourism at high altitudes has become common and as mountaineering has gained in popularity, HAPE has become a common threat. If not treated (by descent or by oxygen delivery), the condition is fatal, and probably added to the death toll of Mount Everest climbers, which was headline news last year.

The likelihood of suffering from HAPE increases with altitude and with the speed of ascending, but pronounced individual differences are observed.1, 4, 5 The exact reasons behind the susceptibility to HAPE are, as yet, not clear. Although not easily compatible with all aspects of what is known about circulation, the development of HAPE has been thought to have the following sequence of events: pulmonary hypertension results from a selective vasoconstriction of arterioles and is transmitted to capillaries with the consequence that their permeability increases and fluid with high‐molecular‐weight proteins and erythrocytes reaches alveoli.1, 4, 5 Also inflammation is usually observed, and although it is sometimes considered to be part of the development of HAPE, it is often considered to be secondary to oedema formation.1 From the above it is obvious that the detailed mechanisms of how HAPE develops are still unclear 60 years after its description, although the clinical picture of the condition is quite clear. The reason for the lack of understanding is largely that scientists have not been able to develop feasible animal models of HAPE.1, 5

Gojkovic et al6 have now developed a new mouse model, which shows most of the HAPE symptoms such as pulmonary oedema, reduced physical performance and increased permeability of lung vessels. Figure 1 gives the overall summary of what has been observed in the model. The outset was that HAPE is mainly a hypoxia response. Acute hypoxia responses are characterized by the stabilization of the hypoxia‐inducible transcription factor (HIF; both HIF1α and HIF2α) and the consecutive transcriptional induction of many genes.7, 8 Normally the stabilization of HIF1α and HIF2α requires hypoxia, but in the case of VHL protein deficiency also occurs in normoxia.9 Gojkovic et al6 made a mouse model in which the VHL protein of myeloid cells was conditionally deleted. They ascertained that HIF1α and HIF2α were stabilized in normoxia in the mouse phenotypes generated. Furthermore, they also showed that the pulmonary oedema generated was not cardiogenic, as little changes in cardiac function occurred, and the observed change (reduced stroke volume) would not be expected to cause oedema formation.

Figure 1
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Schematic representation of the pulmonary effects of the myeloid VHL‐knockdown (modified from Gojkovic et al6). The removal of VHL is associated with increased stability and thus level of HIF1α and HIF2α in normoxia. The alveoli show oedema (indicated by a different background colour). The permeability of pulmonary capillaries is affected and endothelial fenestration is increased. Simultaneously, inflammation is initiated. These changes influence pulmonary blood flow and thereby physical performance and stoke volume. VHL‐knockdown seems to affect pulmonary blood flow also via a mechanism not associated with pulmonary oedema

Interestingly, in addition to the common HAPE syndromes, pulmonary oedema, increased pulmonary vascular permeability, and reduced performance during exertion, the mice lacking VHL protein in pulmonary myeloid cells, also showed pulmonary inflammation. This suggests that inflammation may be a part of HAPE development, not merely its consequence. The result is reasonable, as HIF‐system is intimately involved in inflammation.10-12 The authors further evaluated transcriptional differences in pulmonary tissue between the myeloid VHL‐deficient and control mice. They noted that more than 400 genes were differentially transcribed in the two groups. About 90% of the cases had increased mRNA levels and 10% decreased. Concentrating on transcriptional differences is warranted, as HIFs are transcription factors. However, further studies are clearly required to assess, whether the transcriptional effects are also observed at the protein level, leading to functional effects. Still, many of the transcriptional changes fit with the functional effects: the reduced stroke volume, increased permeability of pulmonary vessels and inflammatory responses all have candidate genes among the differentially expressed transcripts between the myeloid VHL‐deficient and control mice.

As the authors conclude, ‘a deregulated myeloid cell hypoxic response can trigger some of the most important symptoms of HAPE and thus mice with a deletion of VHL in the myeloid lineage can function as a model of HAPE’. This model has the potential to be of great benefit for our understanding and treatment of HAPE.



当低海拔人员迅速上升到2500 m以上的高度时,他们就有发展为高海拔肺水肿(HAPE)的风险。1英文期刊的第一份科学报告于1960年发表,2直到1975年Kleiner和Nelson在JAMA上发表的文章标题为:高原肺水肿:一种罕见的疾病?3然而,随着高海拔旅游业的普及和登山运动的普及,HAPE已成为普遍的威胁。如果不进行治疗(通过下降或通过氧气输送),这种疾病将是致命的,并且可能增加珠穆朗玛峰登山者的死亡人数,这是去年的头条新闻。


Gojkovic等[ 6]现在已经开发了一种新的小鼠模型,该模型显示出大多数HAPE症状,例如肺水肿,身体机能下降和肺血管通透性增加。图1给出了模型中已观察到的总体摘要。开始时,HAPE主要是低氧反应。急性缺氧反应的特征在于低氧诱导型转录因子(HIF;HIF1α和HIF2α均)的稳定和许多基因的连续转录诱导。7,8通常情况下,稳定HIF1α和HIF2α需要缺氧,但在常氧状态下也会发生VHL蛋白质缺乏症。9 Gojkovic等人6制作了小鼠模型,其中有条件地删除了髓样细胞的VHL蛋白。他们确定在产生的小鼠表型中,HIF1α和HIF2α在常氧状态下稳定。此外,他们还表明,由于心功能发生的变化很小,因此产生的肺水肿不是心源性的,而且观察到的变化(卒中体积减少)也不会导致水肿的形成。



