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Internet-based applications for interrogating 50 years of data from the South African national water quality monitoring network
Hydrological Sciences Journal ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-07 , DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2019.1645334
Michael Silberbauer 1

ABSTRACT National and regional water quality monitoring networks have been operated in South Africa since the early 1970s. These originally had text-based inventories that were convenient for specialists who were familiar with the national networks and knew the locations of their sites of interest. However, within two decades the networks had expanded in geographical extent and variables monitored to such an extent that users needed spatial context in order to locate sites that fitted their information requirements. Mapping applications running on the Internet, such as Google Earth and Leaflet, form the foundation of a system for providing online inventories and summaries of the data available on the water quality database. The interfaces were constructed using available software, mainly ArcInfo and R. A recent concern is a decrease in the collection of water quality data, which is reducing the value of data summaries for water resource management.


用于查询南非国家水质监测网络 50 年数据的基于互联网的应用程序

摘要 自 1970 年代初以来,南非就开始运行国家和区域水质监测网络。这些最初有基于文本的清单,方便熟悉国家网络并知道其感兴趣地点位置的专家。然而,在 20 年内,网络的地理范围和监控变量已经扩展到如此程度,以至于用户需要空间背景来定位符合其信息需求的站点。在 Internet 上运行的地图应用程序(例如 Google Earth 和 Leaflet)构成了一个系统的基础,该系统可提供水质数据库中可用数据的在线清单和摘要。接口是使用可用的软件构建的,主要是 ArcInfo 和 R。