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Kinase inhibition profiles as a tool to identify kinases for specific phosphorylation sites.
Nature Communications ( IF 16.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-03 , DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15428-0
Nikolaus A Watson 1 , Tyrell N Cartwright 1 , Conor Lawless 2 , Marcos Cámara-Donoso 1 , Onur Sen 1 , Kosuke Sako 3 , Toru Hirota 3 , Hiroshi Kimura 4 , Jonathan M G Higgins 1

There are thousands of known cellular phosphorylation sites, but the paucity of ways to identify kinases for particular phosphorylation events remains a major roadblock for understanding kinase signaling. To address this, we here develop a generally applicable method that exploits the large number of kinase inhibitors that have been profiled on near-kinome-wide panels of protein kinases. The inhibition profile for each kinase provides a fingerprint that allows identification of unknown kinases acting on target phosphosites in cell extracts. We validate the method on diverse known kinase-phosphosite pairs, including histone kinases, EGFR autophosphorylation, and Integrin β1 phosphorylation by Src-family kinases. We also use our approach to identify the previously unknown kinases responsible for phosphorylation of INCENP at a site within a commonly phosphorylated motif in mitosis (a non-canonical target of Cyclin B-Cdk1), and of BCL9L at S915 (PKA). We show that the method has clear advantages over in silico and genetic screening.



